Midwest Fur Fest 2007, what a hell of a ride....

Nov 28, 2007 23:03

As MidWest Fur Fest 2007, is logged in the history books now, I refect on the great joy this wonderous three days had brought me, especially in light of a very severe slump that I had been in emotionally over the last two, over the loss of two "friends".  Probably one of the best decisions, I had made in some time, the decision to attend this convention was purely and quite literally last minute, this decision also brought with it a very import life lesson -- life must go on, good, bad or indifferent.   While I wanted to attempt to "recover" from the events of the previous weeks,  sitting at home, was probably the worst thing I could have done.

I gathered the strength from my spirts and mustered up the gumption to attend, and what a time it was.  The energy at these conventions, is nothing short of awe inspiring in there own right.  The diversity and open mindedness that pours forth from this often "misunderstood" community of very diverse individuals, is really the epotmy of what we are about, and while "convention anxiety" didn't hit me AS bad this time, I still wanted to jump into Bill Murry's shoes, and re-live those days, as he did, in his hit theatrical release, "Groundhog Day".

The names I could mention, could fill this page to its brim. You know who you are, and I love and respect you all, and especially everyone else, who made their intital discovery into the Furry Community, like one very good friend of mine did.  These events are very profound, and should not be dismissed as anything less.

Okay, okay, I know what you are thinking...."Where are the pictures?"  I got 'em, lots of them.  So enjoy!  Thanks to everyone I met at this wonderful convention, to all the great new friends I met, and just everyone who worked so hard to make this event so special.


*Hugs to all*


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