Title: ~ FREAKISH! (jap version) Chapter 28B: Time Travel
Author: fishie (
Theme: 048. Travel
Rating: R, AU
Pairing: Ruka X Sakito (for this chapter)
Band[s]: Nightmare (for this chapter)
Disclaimer: I own them, they live in my closet. Really …
Credits: Lyrics taken from cho at aheeyah.com
Summary: “Are you sure you wanna do this?” Ruka whispered in Sakito’s ear, “You can’t get rid of me once we’re legally married.”
Comments: here’s the next chapter ^^ I hope I am not too far behind ^^
http://seungjea.livejournal.com/43019.html" --> ~freakish! (jap version) chap 28A
http://seungjea.livejournal.com/44622.html#cutid1 --> ~freakish! (jap version) chap 28B