Dec 25, 2005 17:32
Well my christmas has been amazing!! It's my daughter's first, and Andy purposed on the 22nd!! I said yes of course, so i guess this year will be fun planning a wedding!!! Then we came to Kansas city on fri. and we went to a chief's game on xmas eve. That was amazing, we were in sec 111 row 10!! right on the field, we went to a game here last xmas against the raiders and it was funny bc thats andy's team and the chiefs are mine, but this year he rooted for the home team!!!! We were right next to the tunnell where they come out, and it was raining but not to bad!!! So that was a lot of fun! then we came back to my grandmas and had xmas and today we went to my great gmas and had xmas dinner and presents!! I am soo excited about getting engaged I did not see it coming, along with everyone else, I always ruin my surprises so i didn't get to do that one!!! I love andy he is the most amazing person that I have ever met, and I'm going to spend the rest of my life with hiM! keep you updated on the date and wedding planning!!! love ya...