(no subject)

Dec 12, 2006 03:14

So, I don't know what to do right now. Actually, I do. I'm going to give myself options and save the worrying for later.

There's the overseas teaching thing that's popped up again, mostly due to Susan's saying she'd come with me, and a co-worker's interest in teaching in Japan, as well as my boss's daughter being hired to teach english in Italy. I feel like I'm getting a second chance.

Also, the old man called and told me a position is opening in the kind of work I actually wanted to get into. Basically helping students transition into the college experience. In other words, helping them learn to play the game so they don't flunk or drop out.

Not that I don't love the job I have. Being around the insane is WAY more fun than you may think. It can be sad at times, sure. Annoying and irritating, definitely. But my god, when it's fun, it's megafun.

My new favorite student to talk to is Othello (fake name used to protect my job, and because I think Othello is an awesome name). Othello loves to laugh, especially at himself and his numerous hijinks.

Such as his patented peanut butter mask. I should explain first, it's common for a lot of these guys to exhibit self-stimulating behaviour. For instance, the kid who draws all the pictures sticks his arms straight out and twists them to kind of make a diamond with his forefingers and thumbs. There's no reason for it, other than that he has some affinity for the stretch it causes in his joints.

Well, Othello's self-stimulation comes in the form of peanut butter. As he told us, he goes to the local YMCA with a bunch of jars of PB. He scoops it out in the locker room and tries his best to make a peanut butter cube around his head with it. Once this is done, he goes into the sauna and lets it slowly melt and run down his body. He says people look at him funny when he does it, but they never say anything. Unfortunately for him, he's been banned from the Y for causing too much of a mess.

PB of choice? Jif.

He also loves lotion. Bath and body works lotion especially. The scents, and the feeling of the lotion is such a pleasure to the boy that some teachers have started using it as a reward when he does well. The only problem with this is, today he was wearing Sweet Pea, and that's my girl's scent. I don't want to make any subconscious associations.

One more thing about this guy. He has no filter. Most of us think things, and say something else more socially acceptable, but he just blurts out whatever is on his mind, whenever, wherever. We had been covering the Supreme Court and judicial branch for two weeks before the teacher gave them a test on it. He got a 3 out of 15 I think because of shit like this:

1. What is the title Judges on the Supreme Court are given?
Correct Answer: Justices
Othello's Answer: Judge Judy

2. What is Sandra Day O'Conner famous for?
Correct Answer: First female Justice
Othello's Answer: He was a great artist.

He was a great artist? What???

So yeah, I don't know. How can you leave shit like that?
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