More pictures.

Aug 01, 2006 14:34

My girlfriend thinks life would be grand if Pokemon really existed. Why, you ask? As she explained in her best gangsta voice:

"Cop pulls you over, you be like, 'What, bitch?! Butterfree, Go!!!"

Too much.

Anyway, haven't been posting much, or not at all. These past couple of weeks I've been sick or working, or as it has been this week, sick and working. A lot of wild shite has been going down at school, but that damn confidentiality agreement prohibits me from sharing with you. Let's just say someone acted on his urge to beat his meat while in a public location, for one.

But what I can share are

Our resident artist has graced me with some true masterpieces lately.

He's been watching that new show with Stan Lee, where people come on and try to sell themselves as the next superhero. You know, the one with Fat Mama on the commercial? Perhaps I watch too much TV. Anyway, this was one of his ideas. It's Super****** (can't print his name). The 4s on his cape are because he's a member of the Fantastic Four. The 5th member.

I don't know why I wrote "Lawn darts and anticoagulants" on there. I think I was telling a coworker what I was going to get my kid for his birthday, because he was annoying me that day.

This, my friends, is a re-enactment of a day in the life of dinosaurs. He drew it in parts, with explinations in between. First he drew the tree. The he explained that the Long Neck was starving, so he came to eat the tree, but before he could even get one bite, the T-Rex came and ate his spine, so he died hungry, and that's the circle of life.

This is his design for a new robot, for the sequal to Robots the movie. Now, he threw me off with this one, because he didn't give me a nice story or any more details about it, which I look forward too because his imagination is GANGBUSTERS. He simply handed it to me and said, "Here, it's a Robot." I asked him why he has six arms. He replied, "He's going to be in the next Robots movie." I wanted more, so I asked if he had a story or anything. He scratched his head for a minute, then proceeded to tell me, and this isn't an exact quote, but it went something like this:

I have a cat, and his hair is black with some white. Well, this other yellow cat came and was fighting with my cat in the road, and a car came, and it hit the yellow one, but not mine, and the yellow one had blood on his face.

Then he drew me a picture of the yellow cat, and I wish I would have kept it. It was pretty much just a circle with cat ears and a puddle of blood coming from it. It was awesome. Anyway, the robot.

And last but not least, we have Starving Island Man! Starving Island Man was on a boat, but it crashed into an island far away from anyone and he's skinny because he doesn't have any food. I asked him why he's smiling if he's starving. The reply? Because he's crazy now.

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