So I won't spam Olivia's comments. : D
Your Word is "Love"
You see life as possibility to form deep connections with a few people.
Relationships are the center of your world, and you always take time to bond with those you love.
You are caring and giving. You enjoy helping those you love.
And when it comes to romantic love, you feel passionately ... even in a very long term relationship.
What's Your Word?.....
You Are a Fur Hat
You are high class, sophisticated, and even a bit eccentric.
You use fashion to convey wealth and class - even if you're putting on a bit of an act.
You're the type of person to wear a thousand dollar watch with jeans or a fur hat on the subway.
Let's hope for the sake of the animals that you opt for synthetic fur!
What Winter Hat Are You?I HATE THESE HATS. DX
You Are OMG
You're the type of person who's always shocked by the internet.
Whether it's crazy news or a wild picture, you're always saying "Oh my god"!
The only thing better than being shocked is shocking your friends. You're quite good at that too.
And while you still allow yourself to be shocked, you secretly love it. You enjoy drama and gossip.
What Internet Slang Are You?Hunh.
You Should Be Fashion Designer
Although you're offbeat and artistic, you have a good eye for trends
You can figure out new incredible clothes to create... that will sell well!
What Sort of Artist Should You Be?In all honestly, I would LOVE to be a fashion designer.
You Are "tab"
Some people might try to say that you're always spaced out.
You do tend to be a dreamer, but you're also a great multitasker.
You work quickly and efficiently. So it's no problem if you goof off a little while you're working.
And if people want to think you're flakey, that's fine. You're getting more done than they are.
What Keyboard Key Are You? You Should Travel to Paris
When you travel, you demand the best. You desire total luxury.
You want a vacation full of pampering, delicious food, and the ultimate in comfort..
You should travel:
To any Four Seasons hotel
Via a luxury cruise
To world class cities like Paris and London
To any five star spa or resort
Via a private jet
What's Your Travel Horoscope?It seems that I'm pretty high maintenance and materialistic.
... ):
Your True Birth Month Is January
Easily jealous
Loves children
Rather reserved
Highly attentive
Likes to criticize
Needs close friends
Ambitious and serious
Smart, neat and organized
Hardworking and productive
Loves to teach and be taught
Quiet unless excited or tensed
Sensitive and has deep thoughts
Knows how to make others happy
Searches for the greatest romance
Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds
Romantic but has difficulties expressing love
Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses
What's Your True Birth Month?..loves children?
You Are Not a Wimp
In fact, you are an incredibly tough person.
Your nerves do not get the better of you.
You don't back down from challenges or intimidating situations.
You love the thrill of conquer... so much so that it outweighs the fear of defeat.
Are You a Wimp? You Should Be a Ghost
You are seen as shy and introverted. You like to blend in... or disappear.
You see Halloween as the day you can sit back and enjoy what other people are doing.
You don't scare all that easily on Halloween. If anything, you tend to scare people.
You don't try to be scary, but you do tend to lurk around and catch people by surprise.
What Classic Halloween Costume Should You Wear?Simple and easy. Too bad I never was a ghost.
Your Inner Blood Type is Type A
You seem cool and collected, though a bit shy.
You are highly driven and a perfectionist, but that's a side you keep to yourself.
Creative and artistic, you are a very unique person who doesn't quite fit in.
People accept you more than you realize, seeing you as trustworthy and loyal.
You are most compatible with: A and AB
Famous Type A's: Britney Spears and Hilter
What's Your Inner Blood Type?And I get the same blood type as Britney Spears and HItler. Whoop-de-doo.
You Have A Type A- Personality
You are one of the most balanced people around
Motivated and focused, you are good at getting what you want
You rule at success, but success doesn't rule you.
When it's playtime, you really know how to kick back
Whether it's hanging out with friends or doing something you love!
You live life to the fullest - incorporating the best of both worlds
Do You Have a Type A Personality?Mine match.
You Are Bubblegum Flavored Gum
You are friendly, outgoing, and energetic.
You love life, and you can always find some reason to smile.
You are a bit hyper, and you're always looking for your next challenge.
You love getting things done - and you are usually on the go.
Your confidence and positive attitude makes you a very attractive person.
You can be a little flaky at times, but people are able to overlook that - because you're so fun!
What Flavor Gum Are You? Your Socks Say You're Elegant
You are:
- Quite glamorous
- Somewhat reserved
- A little bit greedy
- Known as attractive
The Socks Personality TestARGYLE SOCKS! :'D
You Are a Grilled Cheese Sandwich
You are a traditional person with very simple tastes.
In your opinion, the best things in life are free, easy, and fun.
You totally go with the flow. And you enjoy every minute of it!
Your best friend: The Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich
Your mortal enemy: The Ham Sandwich
You Are a Bikini
You love warm days, and you don't shy away from the beach.
You're confident enough to not worry about how you look... but you're not a brazen show off either!
You feel sexy and young at heart - especially during the summer.
You are classic and chic. You rather own one designer swimsuit than a dozen cheap knock offs.
What Kind of Swimsuit Are You?Um. No. Sorry. I would NEVER wear a bikini, they're so.. exposing.
Your Sunglasses Say You're a Leader
You are competent, direct, and powerful.
You are focused on success in all aspects of your life.
You need to be shaded from moochers and parasitic people.
You feel sunniest when you're around people as driven and and brilliant as you are.
You Like Names That Are Cutting Edge and Exotic
You love creative names and names from foreign cultures.
You believe names should be expressive and interesting.
You like names that are unusual, striking, and powerful.
You couldn't imagine naming your child or pet anything "normal."
Some female names you might like: Amaya, Celestine, Danessa, Fawn, Kenya, Monet, Serenity, and Tia
Some male names you might like: Drake, Flint, Harley, Kendrick, Pascal, Romeo, and Timber
What Kind of Names Do You Like? You Are a Turtleneck Sweater
You are sophisticated, streetwise, and even a little cynical.
You are quite cultured, and you don't fall for gimmicks or trends easily.
You are naturally chic. You have a urban, cosmopolitan style.
And you know that the secret to looking good is not trying too hard!
What Kind of Sweater Are You? Your Outfit Says You're Spirited
You are flirtatious, attractive, and even sexy.
You are vivacious and lively. People feel happier being around you.
You have a deep inner beauty, and it just makes you even more beautiful on the outside.
It's like you wrote the book on how to be charming.
Your high end fashion designer match: BCBG Max Azria
Your must have accessory: A beaded necklace
The Outfit TestLOL BCBG max azria. When my sister and I first saw the shop we were like 'WTF, how do you pronounce bcbgmaxazria?!' They actually don't have all that bad clothes.
Your Scholastic Strength Is Evaluating
You are great at looking at many details and putting them all together.
You are talented at detecting subtle trends, accuracy, and managing change.
You should major in:
Conflict studies
What Should You Major In? You Are Dependable and Trustworthy
You approach the holidays with drive and determination.
You're usually the one who does all of the organizing and work.
You love being in charge of Christmas dinner, decorating the tree, and picking out presents.
You know that everything will be perfect, as long as you're the one behind the wheel.
Of all the types, you're the most likely to search far and wide to find the best deal on the gifts you give.
You're also the most likely to have a very detailed system for how you wrap and label presents.
The Wrapping Paper Test..I don't. My sister makes fun of my wrapping.
You Are a Crossword Puzzle
You are well read, and you have a good head for remembering facts.
You are a wordsmith. You have a way with words, and you're very literate.
You are a mysterious person who enjoys dropping little clues every now and then.
What Kind of Puzzle Are You?NOT AS WORDSY AS OLIVIA.
You Are Chess
You are brilliant and shrewd. You can often predict what people will do in the future.
You thrive in complex situations. You deal with contradictions well.
You can have many streams of though going on at your mind at once. You keep track of things well.
You are very patient. You have lots of endurance, even when your energy dwindles
What Board Game Are You? Your Inner Muse is Thalia
You are most like this playful muse of comedy.
Life is all about laughter to you, and you're a natural comic.
You make people laugh until their sides split.
And you're always up for some play time!
What Muse Are You? You are 60% Taurus
You are 60% Taurus
My sister is having her birthday party downstairs and I'm BORED. D: