Title: Three Words
Type: Drabble
Author: Me ^~^
Fandom: Hey!Say!JUMP
Pairing(s): YamaChii (Yamada Ryosuke & Chinen Yuri)
Genre(s): Romance, angst
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I don't own them ..but they own my heart ^-^
Summary: Chinen wants Yamada to say "I love you" to him, but Yamada won't.
Notes: super short drabble! XD i actually got the idea from a text from my friend XD
Word Count: 248
Warnings: super short and might've failed the ending D: XD
Three Words
Another busy day has passed, and now, Chinen and Yamada were on their way home.
Walking in an uncomfortable silence, the air becoming heavy as the younger one said aloud his thoughts, “Yama-chan... Do you really love me?”
The other's strides noticeably slowed down, as the question was heard. Replying without returning his lover's gaze, he said simply, “Of course I do.”
“Then... I want to hear you say it.”
“I don't have to.”
Yamada lowered his head, “Because...”
“I just... want to hear you say it in words...” Chinen could feel his heart sink deeper. Was he doubting Yamada's love for him now? Just because he won't hear him say those important words?
“I can't...”
Chinen's feet dragged, leaving him to walk a few steps away from Yamada. He felt sad, and it hurt. Not being able to stop himself, silent tears began to roll down his cheeks,
“Then you don't love... me.”
The two continued to walk in silence, until they reached Chinen's home.
Chinen tried again, “Why can't you say it?”
“Do you really want to know?”
He was hesitant at first, but Chinen knew he really did, “...Yes.”
Suddenly, Yamada came close to him, lifting up his arms, so he could wrap it warmly around the fragile figure of his precious Chii. He gently kissed the younger one's forehead, then whispered in his ear...
“Because three words are not enough...”
Drabble End
I know it was REAL short, and it's been AGES since i wrote another new fic, but i still hope you liked and enjoyed this~! :D ♥ ♥ ♥