Again and again

Sep 06, 2006 16:16

IF YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN PERSON WHO BELIEVES IN GOD, PLEASE HELP ME AND FILL OUT FOLLOWING SURVEY. You can comment as Anonymous or you can post a comment as logged in user either way is okay to me. If you don't want your survey in public please send it me by mail: . Thank you. :)

The survey )

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anonymous September 6 2006, 14:34:58 UTC
1. Your gender, age, sexual orientation, nationality and are you catholic or

Female, 21, straight, Dutch, catholic

2. Have you always believed in God (Since your childhood, if not then when did
you start to believe in God?)

Since childhood.

YOUR OPINIONS - Please answer yes or no and please tell me does your faith
influence in this subjects (EXAMPLE ANSWER FOR #3: "No, yes" means that you
don't accept abortion because of your faith). You don't have to justify your
opinnion if you don't want to.

3. Do you accept abortion?

No, no.

4. Do you regularly use alcohol? (= once a week or more)

No, no.

5. Do you accept passive euthanasia?

Yes, no.

6. Do you accept active euthanasia?

No, yes.

7. Do you accept suicide?

Seen that it is most often a given fact, I don't think there's much "accepting" to be done. I don't like it.

8. Do you regularly go to chuch? (= once a week or more)


9. Do you accept in vitro fertilisation and artificial insemination?

Depends on the case.

10. Do you accept sex before the marriage?

No, yes.

11. Do you accept women priests?

No, yes.

12. Did you accept the cartoons of the Islamic prophet Muhammed?

I didn't like them.

13. Should EU say no to Turkey because the country is islamic?

It's a secular country. If it were Islamic, e.g. practising Sharia, it shouldn't. If it implements the changes the E.U. counsel ordered them to, I think the E.U. should accept them.

ABOUT HOMOSEXUALITY (Please answer yes, no or I don't know and tell me why did
you answer like that (try to justify your opinnion).

14. Do you accept homosexuality (The Bible doesn't accept homosexuality: If a
man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have
done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on
their own heads. Leviticus 20:13)


15. Would you give to homosexuals right to marry

No. I do not believe it is "mine" (or anyone's) to give.

16. Would you give to homosexuals right to adopt? (Some say that a child needs
a father and a mother.)

Under the same conditions as a heterosexual couple, yes.

17. Could you be a friend of a person who is same gender as you and is


18. How would you react if your child says that he/she is homosexual?

I wouldn't know. It would be difficult, since in my point of view that would mean a celibate life, and I understand they'd think differently. I wouldn't treat them different, though.

19. Do you feel that God doesn't accept homosexuality and people who are gay?

God accepts all who love him. And a lot who don't, too, I think.

20. Do homosexuals go to hell because of their sexuality?


21. Do you have anything else to say about homosexuality, God, The Bible or
about you faith?

Not really.


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