Sep 06, 2004 20:19
i drove back to portland from boston today. it's an amazingly short distance, hardly 100 miles. and if you don't get lost getting out of the city it only takes just over 1 1/2 hours. Good news for me since meghan lives there now, and i'll be going to see her @ northeastern every once in a while. I gotta say though the whole college scene is a bit unsetteling for me. it's been a while since i was around it and it makes me feel a bit old, which is not to say that i want to be 20 again, rather i feel much more mature now (even though i didn't drink or do anything illegal when i was 20) and don't really want to look back to those years.
overall the weekend was a great, i met a ton of meghans girlfriends. they were coming and going all weekend so fast i don't even think i remember them all. meghans roomate is cool and it seems like we'll get along pretty well. as for all the others i really can't say. not only am i shy, awkward, and bad with new people, most of the people i do meet i don't care to make an effort to get to know them at all. so we'll see how that goes. at any rate i should be able to hook ron up with one of them if he ever goes down with me.
Unfortunately i didn't get to meet up with dylan this weekend or anyone else i know from boston for that matter. That motherfucker better come to etna for thanksgiving this year or he'll find his head on a pike.
so to sum it up:
college people drink shitty beer (except for meghan, who drinks shipyard like a good girl should)
boston is a great place to be
smoking still just gives me a headache
i can't drive through kennybunk without going to popeyes
i can't go into a popeyes without spending $10 on food