Nov 29, 2004 16:50
B A S I C S:
first name: Kelli
middle name: Leigh
last name: Cover
nickname(s): Kel, 'k' (mommy and daddy), me that and die, Lizard. haha
gender: female
birthday month: march
height: must we ask this question? NO!
hair color: right now...brown reddish....
eye color: BLUE!
do you wear glasses or contacts: no
do you have braces: yep
is your hair long or short: medium-short
current location: phoenix, az
zodiac sign: pisces
how many languages do you know: one
what language do you want to learn: uh well i'm learning spanish
Bad habits: bite my lip when i get nervous and sleep alot. haha
piercing you have: ears
piercing you want: lip...yeah right
tattoos you have: none
today: monday...fucking sucks.
today's date: nov. 29th
the time: mandatory marley time...
ready for a bunch more questions: sure
mother's name: Carolyn
father's name: John
brother's name: none
sister's name:Erin
favorite grandparent: my dead living one effing sucks.
worst relative:my living grandma
best relative: my cousin Kevin probably.
do you get along with your parents: sometimes.
does anyone in your family understand you?: not even thinks she does so i let her believe that.
do you have any pets: no
what are their names:
what kind of animals are they:
are you still in school: yes
did you drop out: lets in school....
current GPA:dont know
favorite grade: 8th
least favorite grade: 7th
favorite teacher: Mr Amidon
least favorite teacher: dr farmer....HAHAHA
favorite subject: english, we dont do shit in that class
least favorite subject: spanish
do you buy lunch or bring it: buy it sometimes or dont eat
play any sports on the school's team: im probably going to play softball
do you do any extracurricular activities: no
favorite memory: way too many
least favorite memory: too many, ...getting burglarized maybe?
most humiliating moment:HA...WAY too many.
F A V 0 R I T E S
letter: K
saying(s): i dunno
TV show: i watch fuse alot?
sport: softball to and baseball to watch.
fruit: strawberrys
movie: billy madison, office space, elf
magazine: AP
candy: reeses
gum: orbit
scent: lots
candy bar:3 musketeers
Ice cream flavor: cherry garcia
color: green, red, black
holiday: christmas
band: tons.. denver harbor, senses fail, my chemical romance, my american heart, greeley estates, i could go on forever.....
singer:Will Salazar...Larry...Ryan...Gwen Stefani's effin awesome.
group: see band...
rapper: none really...
thing in your room: computer and pictures.
place to be: a concert
TV channel: fuse
junk food: diet dr pepper
overall food: mexican
hangout: concert.
do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend: nope
do you have a crush: a crush? no..many?..yes.
do you love anyone right now: no
have you ever been in love: no....
Who was your first crush: lawrence dicarlo in like kindergarten.
how many hearts of have you broken: i dont know?
how many people broke your heart: one maybe?
so what is your bf/gf/crush like: which one? JK...
looks or personality: both.
ever kiss a friend: nah
are you still friends:
do you smoke: no
do you smoke weed: nope
ever trip on acid: nope
how about a little x: nope
heroin, anything else: nope
beer good or beer bad: tastes like shit.
are you the sissy who drinks wine coolers : hell yes i am.
prefer beer or liquor: dont like beer so that answers it.
what kind of cigarettes do you smoke: i dont smoke
have you ever drank egg nog: yes
if yes, when was the last time you got some: a long time ago, i dont like it.
Y 0 U R F R I E N D S
best friends: Kel, Justin, Em, Jane, Lia, Mel, more, please forgive me for not naming you, im doing this quick.
known longest: Melissa
wish you talked to more: Melissa
wish you saw more: i see most of them alot...
how many friends do you think you have: a pretty good amount.
who drives you insane after a while: most everyone but i love them.
who can you stay around forever and never get sick of: i dont know.
ever lose a good friend because you took it to the 'next level': no
craziest: all of them and thats why i love them.
loudest: most of my friends are also loud.
shyest: none of them too much.
best hair: Janey!
can always make you laugh: all
best eyes: hmmm i dunno...?
best body: i dunno...jane?
most athletic: jane
hot tempered: none of them too bad..
most impatient: Emily? haha we are both pretty damn impatient.
shortest: i dont know, there all taller then me
tallest: melissa
talented: all
best singer:can any of them sing that well?
skinniest: mel
nicest: all
best personality: all
biggest drug user: ....
flashed someone: no
told a person how you felt bout them: yeah
been to Michigan:had a flight stop in detroit.
gone to jail or juvi: no
Skateboarded: yes, i tried
skinny-dipped: ...
stolen anything: from who? my sister....yes!
kicked someone's ass: not really, i kicked some bitch at a concert pretty hard one time when she wouldnt kelly, dumbass wore flip flops..
pegged someone in the head with a snowball: hell yes.
broke a beer bottle: yeah
gotten into a bar, under-aged: never tried? i dont look NEARLY old enough.
kissed someone of the same sex: fuck no.
gone on a road trip: yes
gone on vacation without adult supervision: not really.
been to a concert: MANY
been to another country: no :( who wants to take me to mexico!? haha jk
talked back to an adult: hell yes.
got pulled over: nah
got in a car accident: yes
broke a law: haha YES.
given money to a homeless person: yeah
cried to get out of trouble: many times...back in third grade...classic.
kissed a friend's brother or sister: no
kissed a brother or sister's friend: no
dropped something on the floor that you were cooking and let someone eat it anyways?: would i tell you if i did?
0 P I N I 0 N S
what do you think...about pop music: most of it sucks. i like gwen stefani though.
about flag burning: FIRE!
about suicide: sad
about people who try to force their opinions on you: piss me off
about abortion:do what you want.
about rock/metal music: :), dont like metal though
where do you think you'll be in 10 years: hopefully colorado or san fran.
who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years: hopefully all my best friends.
YES or NO:
are you a vegetarian: no
do you like cows: i like to eat cows
are you a bitch: can be for sure. :(
are you artistic: not really
do you write poetry:VERY rarely.
are you a fast runner: nah
can you ski: i try.
are you British: no
do you want to spear Britney: nah
do the voices talk to you: no
did you ever give Barbie a haircut:all the time
are you stupid, insane, and another physically handicapped: what was it again justin? i forgot
are you nice: i try sometimes.
are you naughty: dont tell santa. haha JK
are you short: fuck you whore.
are you tall: same as above.
do you own a hot pink shirt: ofcourse.
how about orange pants: nah
can you see the flying monkeys: no...
are you evil:maybe
did you ever know someone who had a mullet: yes...JUSTIN. hahahaha
is Britney a whore: nah
do you like Marilyn Manson: not his music but i respect him after seeing bowling for columbine.
wow this was boring, but it occupied me.