there are repairmen in my house while i do some of my own repairing in my mind

Feb 04, 2010 09:43

There will be people working on the various parts of the house that are rotted. :/ Which is really not conducive to my writing. Or my sanity. So I may be temporarily migrating to the guest room. There will be no internet but wouldn't that be the most effective way of getting me to write? Not only that, but being away from the internet may help me be less of a jerk. The internet is rich with things to spork and temptations do tempt the temptee.

But dA does have some of the most sporkable Sues and Stus in existence...

It's worth mentioning that right now, I HAVE NO FUDGING DOOR. MY DOOR. It's been removed. Because it's rotted and needs replacing. So right now, I have a fetching view of our hallway. I feel so vulnerable.

Word goal for today is 4k. Because it's nearing the 12th and I am in AHHHHH PANIC MODE. I have the characters down, the dialog especially but I'm challenged with fleshing it out in full paragraphs. I can't have a whole short story where they just talk.

Did some outlining for The Mourning Son which made me raise my eyebrow and question my tendencies in writing. Really, Dan, a female antagonist? A controlling mother figure? A confused son looking for love? Pffffff. I scoff at my own plots, guys. This is serious business. I'm injecting perhaps way too much of myself in this novel.

I like the part where Noah's the protagonist who thinks that if you're not Sephiroth or Yellow Eyes or, IDK, the Homunculus, you are not a bad enough antagonist to take seriously. Great to know where your priorities are, Noah, m'boy. Or the fact that you are freaked out by women.

Can't help but wonder why there is a serious lack of women in my stories. This must be remedied. When I write stories, I instantly plot the role the male characters play in the story. Is this my childhood with too many RPGs and anime talking? Been reading some meta a few days in a row now and am feeling guilty of falling into the trap of 'men are so much more interesting! women are always poorly written!'. Women are also interesting, yes, and I feel bad that I've never really given them that much time. But I'm sorry, I really am. So please forgive me? I'm sure we can work something out. I've got a misogynistic streak which makes me feel really really bad about myself and my stories and the people around me.

Have also been wondering what this all means, my being a shota writer and artist and how it conflicts with my mission to protect children. I'm frankly confused. Art imitates life but personally I don't even find children appealing. What is this mind fuckery? Quite similarly with incest. I am often writing it into my stories but I'm highly opposed to it in real life.

Oh Fandom. How you mess with my head.

I wonder if that is a whole lot like the young and innocent fangirl frolicking around the web and finding yaoi with the seme/uke arrangement and where the uke looks like a girl with a penis and relating this entirely with real life. Ships this like wild fire, churns out a million girly ukes with a sex addiction and huge tears! and a million manly semes with huge dicks and lame attempts at bad assery! and has them in angsty situations that will be resolved by healing sex. But upon meeting real gay people, especially the ones that do not fit neatly in this seme/uke arrangement, freak out! Completely! And go ew ew ew ew ew real gay guys!

For the record, no. I was never that kind of fangirl. Thanks.

That concludes my lengthy and perhaps senseless post. The repairmen are a-bangin' outside my absent door, trying to fix a rotted closet. And I feel my sanity slipping already. So I leave you with a, very campy, but happy video.

image Click to view

Oh, and a meme which I shamelessly stole from antistar_e. I'll apologize in advance if it takes a while because, gah, my camera needs batteries.

Ask me to take a picture of any aspect of my life that you're interested in - it can be anything from the house I live in to my favourite shoes. Leave your choice here as a comment, and I will reciprocate by taking the pictures and posting them as an LJ entry. Ask as for as many as you want. That way you get to know a little bit about my life, if you're remotely interested in it.

lifestory, meme

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