Happy New Year!

Jan 01, 2009 21:38

A happy 2009 to everyone! I hope this year is amazingly awesome for everyone.

I have started on my 101 list. I am posting it here so it's easier for me to find and so I can keep track of my progress. I have to admit, I'm excited about the undertaking, even though I am only starting with little stuff right now.

Hobbies (learn some new, improve on old)
1. Knit a sweater
2. Learn to quilt
3. Make a quilt for a gift
4. Finish 3 large cross-stitch projects (0/3 completed)
5. Make my own Christmas cards one year
6. Learn to bartend
7. Make my own mixed drink ingredients
8. Perfect my Gothic style calligraphy (it is by far my weakest hand)
9. Take a ballroom dance class
10. Pick origami back up
11. Start writing again
12. Make my own candle
13. Sort my massive collection of yarn
14. And make a scrap yarn afghan
15. Make a dreamcatcher
16. Make a cross-stitch nativity

Work & School
17. Complete my bachelor's degree
18. Find a grad school
19. Complete resume
20. Internship
21. Join the National Communication Association (NCA)
22. Subscribe to (and read) a professional magazine
23. Keep my backpack and binder completely organized for a semester!
24. Sell my textbooks to students on campus

25. Tithe
26. Save $1000 (0/1000 saved)
27. Pay off my credit card
28. Pay of 30% of my student loans
29. Save enough money to buy a car
30. Open a savings account

Body & Exercise
31. Lose 40 pounds (0/40 lost)
32. Stop biting my nails
33. Repair bike
34. Ride said bike at least once a week
35. Donate my hair to Locks of Love twice (0/2 donated)
36. Participate in a 5K walk

Reading (I love to read, but I haven't made the time for it lately)
37. Read and review books for a year
38. Read the complete works of Jane Austen (0/7 read)
39. Read The Mists of Avalon
40. Organize my bookshelves
41. Donate the books I don't read
42. Join a book club
43. Read 5 graphic novels (0/5 read)
44. Return library books ON TIME
45. Read a book in another language
46. Read 10 more books from the banned books list (0/10 read)
47. Read two works of Mark Twain, besides Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn (0/2 read)
48. Read The Magic of Recluse book series (0/15 read)
49. Read Shakespeare's history plays (0/10 read)

50. Take a road trip
51. Go to Hawaii
52. Go to England
53. Go to Disneyland
54. Go snorkeling again
55. Go horseback riding
56. Visit my friend in Nashville for a weekend
57. Visit my friend in Arizona
58. Go on a mission trip
59. Go to a play on Broadway (in New York)

Learn new stuff
60. Become fluent in Spanish
61. Learn to play tennis
62. Learn to snowboard
63. Learn to cook something other than pasta
64. Learn to shoot a handgun
65. Learn to scuba dive
66. Take up yoga
67. Learn to fence
68. Learn to drive a motorcycle
69. Learn to ice skate
70. Learn to play guitar, at least the basics
71. Learn to make tiramisu
72. Relearn archery
73. Try to make candy
74. Learn to make smoothies & milkshakes

75. Give up fast food for Lent, and stick to it!
76. Pray daily
77. Memorize 10 Bible verses (0/10 memorized)
78. Donate 50 prayer shawls (0/50 donated)
79. Coach two basketball teams next season

80. Eliminate some swear words from my vocabulary (the "F" one in particular)
81. Complete every puzzle in a Sudoku magazine (22/211 completed)
82. Teach my bird to talk
83. Improve my relationship with my sister
84. Ride an outdoor, upside down roller coaster
85. Go to a hockey game
86. Donate 1,000,000 grains of rice at freerice.com (8000/1000000 donated)
87. Remember my friends' birthdays
88. Have a MASH marathon
89. Become obsessed with two historical periods
90. Take part in an archaeology dig
91. Go all out on a Halloween costume one year
92. Beat hard mode on Guitar Hero
93. Finish watching Twin Peaks
94. Make 10 new friends (0/10)
95. Complete a Zelda game without cheating
96. Teach a friend to play Mah Jongg
97. Take my nieces to the zoo
98. Vote in ALL elections
99. Go through all storage stuff
100. And donate at least 25% of everything I have stored to charity
101. Use "green bags" instead of plastic bags

And so the undertaking begins. Good luck to everyone on their New Year resolutions!
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