May 14, 2006 02:01
I wouldnt say im realizing im pushing everyone away, but that i can actually admit it to myself and others. I know that this isnt good, but i still cant shake the apathy and sadness and interact with people. Need an answer but dont know the question savi?
Trust is definatly an issue, not the paranoid crap, but a simple waiting of them to fail. Too many breakings in to short a span, and what i didnt realize until later, the breaking of the only complete. One other comes close, and maybe should have earned complete, but it simply cant happen right now. And im being vague for a reason, i simply dont think some people would understand. Not being elitist, things arent known situational and then things that are emotional that involve the ever pervading trust grin.
Not sure the point...... maybe i feel i should xplain why i havent been around, been antisocial.