Oct 25, 2008 11:22
It's been like 2 months since I've posted anything on here. This is about to be a totally random post.
I've been so busy... but my nanny job is finally over. I miss Owen and all, but damn was it exhausting chasing after 2 very very busy babies.
I'm still sick and Madison is too. She's cutting 6 teeth. It's fucking awesome.
I'm going to have a lot more time on my hands now, so there are some people I'd really really like to spend some time with... cough cough ALLY and TRIXY. I feel like I've been a shitty friend to both of you. I haven't called. And I'm sorry.
Life is crazy these days. I really feel like I'm losing it thanks to lack of sleep. I should be pumping milk right now so I can go to the bar and get wasted tonight, but damnit I don't feel like it. I've had the ingredients to make Cotton Candy Cosmos sitting on my kitchen counter for a week now, and I still haven't made any. I'm fucking slacking.
I've finally decided to stop vaccinating Madison. She's perfectly healthy the way she is, and I don't think risking adverse side effects is worth it. I know far too many children who are vaccine injured, and I don't want my daughter to become one of those statistics. Aborted fetal cells from the 70's and monkey kidney cells have no business being injected in my child. And what's so bad about the diseases we're trying to prevent anyways? We have the technology and medicine now to treat measles, mumps, and ruebella (which aren't even deadly diseases unless you are already immunocompromised or 100 years old, just a slight bit uncomfortable like chicken pox and the common cold)... Polio is non-existent for the most part... Chicken pox is not that bad (plus the vaccine doesn't even provide life-long immunity like actually getting chicken pox does, so whats the point?)... you get the idea. Plus, Guardasil has been killing women and young girls more than it has been preventing HPV or Cervial cancer, so again, what's the point? I understand that if it weren't for vaccines there probably would still be epedemics of these diseases... but we CAN and DO treat and cure them now. I'd be more willing to vaccinate my daughter if we had SAFE vaccines to use and if the pharmaceutical companies weren't brainwashing America into thinking they've done all their testing and research before releasing these vaccines. Um, news flash people... WE ARE THE RESEARCH. They "test" these vaccines on the public, and if we go 7+ years with terrible adverse side effects, they take them off the market. SEVEN FUCKING YEARS? That's enough time to injure and kill millions of babies and children. Ugh, it disgusts me.
Wow, didn't mean to get that heated about it here... but anyhoo... I'm not giving Madison another vaccine... ever. Totally not worth it.
I need to smoke a cigarette now. Jesus.