Title: Too Late
Author: Kate (
Rating: PG for thematic elements
Category: Gen
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: An obvious one for the end of LWW.
Summary: Edmund realizes what's happening-but it's too late.
Disclaimer: It all belongs to Clive.
Notes: Another drabble for
100foraslan, this time for the second prompt, "not narnia!". And, of course, it's from Edmund's POV. Because Ed = ♥. Once again, thank you to
potthead for being the quickest beta on the planet. I rushed this out last night (because it was due today) and she had back to me in 9 MINUTES. That's why she's the bomb, ya'll. <3
As the prickly branches against his fingers fade away into soft fur, Edmund realizes what is happening. He feels an icy chill sink through his skin, into his bones. He hasn't felt anything like it since when the White Witch ruled Narnia.
He starts to cry out, to warn his siblings, but the panic chokes him. Trying to reverse his steps, to go back into the safety of the wood, he trips over Peter's feet, and they all fall forward.
And when Edmund's hands skid across the hardwood floor-burning as the skin is rubbed raw-he knows that it's too late.
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