Title: My Kisses In A Box
Author: Kate (
Rating: PG for mild language
Category: Sam/Jess
Word Count: 576
Spoilers: None, pre-series.
Summary: It's Sam and Jessica's anniversary.
Disclaimer: Kripke owns it all. Lucky bastard.
Notes: This is pure fluff with a side comedy. ^^; Jess' roommate is none other than my darling friend, and beta for this fic,
papered. ♥ The book she's reading is Twilight by Stephanie Meyer and it is one of Liz's (and mine!) favorite books. Much love to
potthead for letting me throw in Sam's last line. You won't really understand it unless you read her fic
God Of The Beans. Written for the
spn13 Love prompt.
Sam knocked on the apartment door and rocked back on his heels, both nervous and excited. He stood for a few moments, waiting, before knocking again.
"Jess! Door!" The impatient sound of Jess' roommate filtered through the door and Sam grinned. "Jessica!"
Sam waited a few more seconds before the door swung open to reveal a pretty Asian girl, clutching a book to her chest and glaring up at him in mild irritation. Sam's smile widened. "Hi, Lizzie."
"Hi, Sam. Come on in, she's getting ready." Liz turned away from the door and walked across the room to a large, comfy chair. She curled up in it and stuck her nose back into her book, completely ignoring him. Sam followed her in and shut the door behind him.
"So, good book?" Sam asked her.
"Yep," Liz answered shortly, completely absorbed in the story before her.
"What's it about?"
Sam's nose wrinkled in distaste. It seemed like every time he turned around memories of his old life were right there, slapping him in the face. "Vampires, huh? That doesn't seem... like you."
Liz sighed in frustration. "Look. This is quite possibly one of the greatest books I've ever read. And if you interrupt me again, I might have to kill you." Liz glared at him for a long moment before returning to her book.
Sam suppressed a wicked grin. "Really? And how exactly would you do that, Lizzie? Considering I'm roughly three times your size."
"Jessica!" Liz roared. "You better get out here right now! Before I kill your oversized freak of a boyfriend!"
"All right, Liz, I'm here. Calm down." Jessica came in from the back bedroom. She walked up to Sam and kissed him on the cheek. "You shouldn't irritate her so," she told him reproachfully.
Sam smiled down at her. "You look amazing," he said, reaching out and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
She smiled at him. "You're looking quite studly yourself, Sammy." Sam's smiled faltered. "I mean Sam, sorry," Jess corrected herself quickly, smiling sheepishly. Sam grabbed her coat off the coat rack and helped her into it.
"Liz," Jessica said, picking up her purse, "I'll be back late, so don't wait up."
"Uh huh," Liz muttered, clearly wishing they would both get the hell out of there.
"And Liz," Jessica's voice grew stern. Liz glanced up at her. "If you finish your book before I get back, do not call me to ramble on about how pure and how true Edward and Bella's love is. Tonight is our anniversary," here, she smiled up at Sam, "and I want it to be perfect. Okay?"
"Okay," Liz agreed. "But... Edward and Bella really are in true love. I mean-"
"Liz," Sam cut her off smoothly. "Jess and I already know all about true love. We don't need a lecture from your book about the bloodsuckers." He smiled at Jess as he reached out and grabbed her hand.
Jess was looking at him in adoration. "I love you, too, Sam." Sam leaned down and kissed her softly. Jessica sighed as he pulled away. "How is it you're so good to me?" she asked, touching his cheek gently.
Sam smiled wistfully. "I'm God of the beans." He held open the door for Jess and smiled at her puzzled expression. As he followed her out and shut the door behind them, he heard Liz call out.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"