Title: we're all broken (but we're together)
Author: Kate (
Rating: PG-13 for language and adult themes
Category: Gen
Word Count: 200
Spoilers: Season four finale
Summary: Where do you go to hide from the end of the world?
Disclaimer: Kripke owns it all. Lucky bastard.
Notes: Double drabble! I can't believe I managed to write SPN fic that doesn't revolve around Dean/Castiel. This is set after the events in the finale, with the obvious assumption that the boys get away. ;) This was written for the
spn13 prompt
Laughter.. A perfectly happy prompt that I angstified. Beta'd only by myself. :)
The Impala roared down the highway. Dean didn't know what they were going to do. This was it. Armageddon. Where do you go to hide from the end of the world?
They ended up at a rundown motel. There was always a comfort in the familiarity of tacky wallpaper, musty carpet and old sheets with mysterious stains.
Dean half-dragged his little brother into the room and spun around to slam the door. As he slid the chain lock into place, Sam spoke up.
"Good call, Dean. That'll keep Satan out."
Dean turned, irritated, but stopped when he saw his brother. Sam's face was an open book for the first time in over a year. He looked tired, miserable. Scared.
Suddenly Dean was laughing. He slid down the door, clutching his side and gasping for breath.
They were so utterly screwed. Sam had just raised Lucifer from hell, Dean had failed to stop it, and all he could do was sit here like an idiot. Hell on earth, humanity's destruction-Cas could be dead for all he knew. But Dean didn't care. Because here, in this room, Dean finally had his brother back.
And all it had taken was the fucking apocalypse.
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