Disability in Soul Eater by terajk
Asura and CronaOCD Goth Cowboy Jesus For Great JusticeThe Mad Scientist and His Assistive DeviceComments: I like that someone has focused on this subject in Soul Eater. I personally identify with Dr. Stein. When I first encounter Dr. Stein, I thought "oh, no, not another stock character named after a popular horror character/monster with little personality of his/her own." I'm glad I was wrong. Not only was he a hero, I really get what it's like fighting to keep your mental disability at bay just so you can interact with your everyday life. Spoilers: I loved that his obsession made him the most vulnerable to Asura's insanity wavelengths. It wasn't just a cute quirk but something he had to fight to keep his sanity. I loved that he legitimately cared for his students even when he wanted to cut them open. In his fight against Medusa, I loved that he acknowledges his obsession and that he's definitely chosen a side because it's what he considers right.