Title: Musical Aptitude ( 01/01 )
Written by Ruine
Disclaimer: Star Ocean - Till the End of Time © Square-Enix & Tri-Ace
Character(s): Luther Lansfeld, Fayt Leingod
Pairing(s): Luther Lansfeld x Fayt Leingod
Warning(s): Unbeta'ed, Heavy Sexual Innuendo, Shounen-ai
Status: Edited & Finished
Rating: Humor/Romance, PG-15
Summary: A short but
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i love it. ^_^
Wow, that was quick, I just posted! I was going to post the link to this and the other drabble -- which I'm just polishing and struggling to find a damn title -- in about another hour to the Community.
Once again, thank you for the comments, I'm happy to know there are people who take some pleasure -- perverse and otherwise -- from my drabbles. I had the exact sentiments when I was writing this. No, I don't pick on Fayt, Luther does and he controls me. .:.demented grin.:.
For Fayt? Hell yeah. X3 Luther, on the other hand, is reaping the benefits.
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