Title: Valentine Sentiments ( 01/01 )
Written by Ruine
Disclaimer: Star Ocean - Till the End of Time © Square-Enix & Tri-Ace
Character(s): Luther Lansfeld, Fayt Leingod
Pairing(s): Luther Lansfeld x Fayt Leingod
Warning(s): Unbeta'ed, Kinky-ish, Sexual Innuendo, Shounen-ai
Status: Edited & Finished
Rating: Humor/Romance(?)
Summary: A very belated Valentine's offering. This is probably the reason why Fayt and Luther don't practice the Day of Hearts.
Word Count: 100
- 1 -
"I think we should skip celebrating Valentine's Day altogether."
"Whyso? I'd thought that you’d want us to have a romantic outing."
"Normally, I would. But, what I want to do wouldn’t fit your idea of a good evening.”
“And, what would my idea of a ‘romantic interlude’ be?”
“Your definition of a romantic evening would be me being utterly submissive and seeing to your every whim and command."
"Oh, yes that would be a total turn-on to have 'The Fayt Leingod’ bending over every time I so much as look at him."
"I hate you."
"Happy Valentine's to you, too."
The End.