CR Chart: exitvoid

Aug 11, 2020 19:37

Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad. Technically a school club. Not sure how people actually believed that.

0./XXII. The Fool
Unquestioned leader of SEES operations. Despite being a new transfer and relatively new to fighting Shadows, his battle skill and Wild Card ability, as well as natural leadership skills, earns him Shinjiro's respect and loyalty. While they never really spoke much, Shinjiro thinks quite highly of the man, trusting him with slightly more information and admittances than anyone else on the team.

0./XXII. The Fool
...Unquestioned leader of SEES operations? Minato suggested she's someone who takes his role in another Universe. Shinjiro doesn't even pretend to understand that. But she knows what's going on with Shadows and SEES, she can fight, and seems just as capable as their Leader, so he'll accept her into the group. Can't help but feel that it must be rough to have all her 'friends' here and they have to start back at square one, though.

I. The Magician
Comic relief? Shinjiro has no idea what to do about Junpei. A good fighter, reliable to an extent in a bind (though not Shinjiro's first choice), but his excitable demeanor and occasional irresponsibility earn themselves some ire. Still, he's got all sorts of good intentions, and it's hard not to be forgiving of that.

II. The High Priestess
SEES's support member: Shinjiro honestly believes they'd be back to running around like idiots without her scanning abilities. She's intuitive, kindhearted, and quiet, and Shinjiro thinks highly of Fuuka and her abilities: He's just terrible at holding conversations or showing it. Of the new-gen of SEES, (Minato excluded,) he finds her the most reliable, if not the most combat-able.

III. The Empress
Kirijo Group Heiress and the originator of S.E.E.S. Though he'd never admit it, Mitsuru has his utmost respect and favor for giving him purpose when he was younger. Introducing he and Akihiko to the Dark Hour and their abilities, she and the group gave them something to fight for. Strong willed and strong hearted, She's probably one of the few he would call 'friend' before 'ally'.

IV. The Emperor
Disappeared. Likely dead.

Persona Users
People from Port Island, Inaba, and Beyond. A catchall for people from the same world.

To be added once Shinjiro fully meets them.

While not as close as SEES, people who have earned their trust and worth.

XIV. Temperance [Reversed]
"...out of kilter with different aspects of your life. This could manifest as feeling overwhelmed by the past, or focusing only on the future."
Shinjiro's roommate. He's agreeable and useful for information, but non-combative and a tad paranoid. Locks the doors with puzzles that he changes every so often. The two have an interesting agreement to work together so long as they're stuck there: Clive with his intelligence and strategy, Shinjiro with his ability to break things and fight.

XVI. The Tower [Upright]
"...The collapse of an idea or a lifestyle, a dream or future venture. In the destruction of the tower- our unassailable stronghold- we experience in a flash the omnipotent forces of the universe."
As jaded as this guy comes off regarding human/human-with-ability affairs, he makes a lot of sense. Erik began counter-organizing a group in response to Giles's, inviting anyone with abilities to take part: no matter how dangerous those abilities may be. Shinji doesn't care about sides, but the offer of help to control Castor is a tempting one. Erik definitely had his respect.

Everyone Else
A plethora of people who may or may not be useful.

I. The Magician [Upright]
"You have all the ingredients at your disposal for success, even if your dreams appear out of reach. The Magician symbolizes the alchemy of change..."
Disappeared. Reported gone by Erik Lensherr on Day 21.

III. The Empress [Upright]
"...the emergence of the female archetype within. The Empress does not demand action but suggests the correct path with subtle nudges and hints from her gentle nature."
An Alternian Troll. She comes off as very practical and sensible, which is something Shinjiro hasn't seen before from the strange-texted whatevers they are-- or much at all on the island. Upon arrival, they exchanged some information: Him giving her some standard "you just got here" advice, her explaining some of the Trolls's mannerisms. Really, her demeanor is almost refreshing at this point.

VII. The Chariot [Reversed]
"...a driving force gets out of control and you suffer from others' lack of sensitivity to basic needs. When selfishness knows no bounds, create distance."
Crass, covered in Tattoos, threatened to smear Shinjiro across a wall, and owes him information. She's a loose cannon, sure, and definitely on the list of people to watch out for due to potentially violent outbursts, but there's some sheer sincerity to her actions, too.

XIV. Temperance [Upright]
"...what, or who, you are dealing with now can be likened to a chemistry set: attention to detail is imperative if you are to get the right balance or combination..."
A kid who looks suspiciously like his roommate, though Shinjiro has yet to ask about this or look into its implications. Possibly related. From their short conversation, while Luke seems younger and slightly more naive, he shows a hell of a determination: Confronted with a parasite in his leg, the kid carves it out himself. With his room key.

XVI. The Tower [Reversed]
"...pointless misfortune that you may find difficult to cope with; the situation is frustrating and unnecessary, yet all you can do is endure."
Floundering, flailing, and hysterical, Conrad appeared on the island and let his opinion about the confusing situation be know. As much as he appears chronically on the verge of an aneurysm, his affirmations that the place is fucking insane is almost refreshing. Sure, they're all stuck on a hellish island full of nightmares, but that doesn't mean they have to like it.

This asshole. Shinjiro has no idea if he should be amused or annoyed by him: Upon arrival, Shinjiro sarcastically offers up the "phone someone left with him", to which Bro strides on up and claims, taking his network device. What the hell. If nothing else, he's smooth.

Dude looks like a lady and is quick to go for the sword if that fact is insinuated or mentioned. Touchy bitch.

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