Update 23/04/12

Apr 23, 2012 17:21


First of all dears, let me apologise once again for not posting here for what has now been a whole week. It was mean of me, but I'm sorry.

Yes, while I know y'all luuurve me like white bread and all that, I'm gonna stop apologising from here on out. Yes, I may be quite irregular, and there may be huge gaps in my posts from time to time, but if I keep apologising like this, I'll get nowhere and your time will be wasted. So, if in the future I take forever to post and when I do post it's like nothing ever happened, do NOT be offended. Instead, I will give you a reason for why I took so long. These will either be happy reasons, sad reasons, funny reasons, or else ones that you can take with a pinch of salt and only believe in if you want to.

Okay, so, for today's reason, I give you some exciting news: I have not been posting because, for the last couple of days, I have been working hard in editing the long-awaited chapter 11 of The Art of Subconscious Illusion: Rewritten! I know I said that this chapter would take me a while to get into, but I actually did, and now it's almost finished. I can say with confidence that, if it doesn't make it up today, it will be at any point this week. After the visual assault via italics abuse and the unconventional format of chapter 10, I can tell you that chapter 11 is a return to familiarity in terms of format, and yet (in my opinion) it's the best chapter I've done so far. I can't really tell you any more about it, because that would be cruel, but I'm sure you'll see what I mean when you read it.

Of course, considering how quickly I've worked through the editing, if it isn't up today or tomorrow, it will most definitely be at some point this week.

Meanwhile, as for the other fics, I've got nothing. Just some random ideas that I can't tell you about for obvious reasons. In other words, this journal update is more or less over.... yeah, sucks, doesn't it?

Just a note to you all, but the chances are that this chapter of AoSI: R will be the last chapter of anything you see until June. Yes, this is a little cruel, but hopefully this will tide you over for a good while.

Now, with just a few things to alter on chapter 11, I will bid you adieu. I await your reviews.

Ruin Takada XXX

aosi: r, update, fanfiction, takada, death note, ruin takada, ruin

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