oj (26. Kaisei)

Aug 06, 2010 19:44

Title: Orange Juice (Just another love story?)
Author: ruilian_thatsme
Characters/Pairing: Ninomiya Kazunari / OC, Akanishi Jin / OC
Length: Chaptered
Summary: From a dying faith to a wishful heart. Who says cheesy love stories only happen in dramas? One bottle of orange juice starts it all. Never give up! Keep moving forward. ^_^!
A/N: This is the longest chapter. I wrote it while hanging out on our rooftop in a nice blue sky day. This is, for me, also one of the most memorable and special chapter.^^  by the way, the story linked here is a birthday gift to me from changline , Hontou ni arigatou! ^^ Enjoy!

Kaisei(Fair weather)

“There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you. What are you doing in the rooftop? You do realize that you’ve got a baby inside you now, right?” Nino asked Rin from the door.
            “Daijoubu, Hora.(it's fine, look)” Rin smiled looking towards the sky. Nino looked up as well. The sky was blue and looked crystal clear with the afternoon sun.
              “You really like it here don’t you.” Then he teased her, “You even use this place for hiding my stuff whenever you’re sulking or just bored?” Nino remarked walking towards her.
              “You knew all along? I was getting worried because I can’t find them anymore when I want to return them.” Rin pouted and looked away sulking.
              “Hai, hai, gomen gomen.(alright, sorry)” He laughed. “Eh? Chotto(wait), why am I suddenly the one apologizing? You’re the one who hid my stuff. I just came to find it.” He joked.
             “So, you’re taking back your apology? See how your dad treats your mom, baby? Just coming back after being gone for a long while then he does this.” she decided to get back at him holding her tummy.
              “Gehk! Warukatta ne(my bad then.). Alright, alright, I was only teasing you.” He admitted defeat. “Did you bring this futon here by yourself?” he asked as he sat down trying to lighten her mood.
              “Sou yo(that's right). It’s not that heavy, besides the roof isn’t very steep.” Rin replied sternly. A cool breeze blew through her hair, she closed her eyes, “This is the best part of the house during a fine day like this.”
             “Sou da ne.(you're right)” Nino agreed lying down on her lap and stared at the sky. Rin stroked his hair. “Three months already huh, I’m really sorry, I haven’t been around a lot lately. I’ll make it up to you starting today.”
             “You mean, you’re done with your work already?” Rin immediately brightened up.
              “Yup. So tell me anything you want and I’ll do it.” He offered, happy that she’s finally brightened up.
               “Ja, for now, will you sing for us?”
               “Us…I like that.” He smiled as he repeated the word. “Song? Alright, I’ve been working on this song lately.” He replied and turned his head towards her tummy and started to sing. She sat back and smiled as she listened.

Because I'm embarrassed
I've decided to give it to you in code. That's what I'll do.
A hint? Hmm, let's see. . .
They aren't cool words like "I love you".
But how strange. . . .
It touches/reaches both the people you love and people you hate the same way
These words may be the only
"Magical spell" that still exists these days. . . .

This may be true. It must be true.
Because its existence is so obvious.
Which is why I've turned it into a "code"
Furtively, so no one finds out. . . .
That way, you can think up a meaning for it that's just for you.

Because you can't figure it out,
The "you" that's trying so hard to guess is just too cute.
A hint? Let's see. . .
You see it together a lot with (the words) "I'm sorry."

Even small kids, and even their parents,
It's a "magical spell" that everyone uses.
If I were to have a child.
Without a doubt, this is the first thing I'd teach him/her. . . .

This may be true. It must be true.
Because that thing called "forever" doesn't exist.
I can love in the present with all my might.
So tomorrow, and the day after, and after that. . .
I think I can say it, truthfully, without being embarrassed. . . .

Now this is just a "what if",
Even though it isn't true
My last words in life
Said with a laugh, would be “Thank You”

It's not "probably". It's "for sure".
I didn't make it to this point all on my own.
I think this now. When I see various people's
Faces breaking into smiles.
I realized it, you're there next to them, (smiling) ahead of them

Who knows what will happen from here on out??
But I'm not worried at all,
Because your smile is, above all, the answer.
I see you've figured out (the code). If that's the case,
To finish off, there's one more (thing) I want to tell you, and that is. . .I Love You!
Note: this song was the last piece I was looking for to complete the story. I already finished writing the rest. I wrote here that he was working on a song, but I have no idea what song to place here, so I couldn’t complete the story even after I wrote the ending. Anchan was the one who completed it. After reading the trans while listening to the song, I knew it was the one. The song fit perfectly to the scene I had written.

“How was it?” he asked after.
                  “It’s wonderful. Arigatou. I love it and I know our baby loves it too.” Rin clapped her hands.
                   “Our baby… I like that too.” Nino repeated. Rin laughed. Do you think our baby will love music too?” he wondered.
                   “Hmmm, maybe. I believe so, if our baby’s anything like you. I just hope our baby won’t be too much of an otaku(anime addict), mine and yours combined, might be bad for our child’s studies.”
                   “Tashika ni(you're right). We should learn to be strict on that.” He agreed.
                   “Let’s just make sure he doesn’t learn how to read manga first before a book.” Rin held up the book beside her. Nino laughed this time.
                   “What’s that about?” he asked looking at the book.
                  “It’s a series of short stories I’ve been reading for our baby lately.”
                  “Not that, the paper.” Referring to the folded paper in between the pages.
                   “Oh, it’s a story my cousin Haru-chan wrote for me or should I say for us. You met her at our wedding. She calls me Rui.” She explained. “Would you like me to read it?” she offered. He nodded. She started reading.


“It’s cute. I’m an amazing sound faerie huh and you’re hopelessly in love with me.” Nino boasted when she finished reading.
                  “Hai, hai. I thought I was the wind faerie? Why are you the one who’s windy?” Rin retorted.
                “No helping it. By the way, you’re reading a love story to our baby?” he countered.
                 “It’s a fairy tale and I love it. Anything wrong with that?” she sounded annoyed again.
                “Zenzen(not at all). Fairy tales are good.” He agreed right away then added, “Especially when I’m an amazing sound faerie.” He repeated.
                “Get over it already, else I’ll blow you away with my wind.”
              “Kowai(scary) wind faerie-chan. What would our baby be then?” he placed his hand on her tummy.
               “Hmm… I wonder…” Rin caressed her tummy as well.
               “Nee, have you thought of a name for the baby?” he asked.
               “You’re quick in changing the subject.” She said.
               “A-re? I think I’ve heard that before…” Nino wondered out loud. Rin bit her lip. She knew what he meant and she remembered that time. She averted the subject before he remembered anything about itchy nose and picture kissing. He’ll be sure to tease her again.
              “I’ve thought of a name” she started, “but we’ve yet to find out whether it’s a boy or a girl.” She added hastily, “Well, I’ve always liked the name Ryuren, after one of my favorite anime character.”
               “Ryuren…Ryu-chan…not bad though it reminds me of that weird guy who uses radish as a flute.” He took the bait. She sighed relief.
               “That’s him alright, but he’s also very intelligent and has some mysterious power, pretty handsome too.” She added.
              “That’s true but he plays music really badly if you remember.” He pointed out.
              “Daijoubu, you’re the father after all, not him.” She countered.
              “Sou, sou.” He nodded his agreement. “Ja, when is your next check-up?”
              “Ashita(tomorrow). Do you want to find out tomorrow whether it’s going to be a boy or a girl?”
             “So it’s tomorrow huh…Hmmm…I think it’s better if it will be a surprise.”
             “Uh! Niji da(it's a rainbow!).” She exclaimed when she saw a rainbow. “Kirei.(pretty)”
             “Iya, Omai no hoho ga.(no, you're prettier)” He sang the part of the song from their wedding. Rin smiled as she remembered.
             “I think I remembered hearing that before too.” She laughed.
              He was looking past the rainbow now.
             “Clouds are starting to gather. The wind is getting chilly too. Let’s head back inside before you catch a cold. It looks like rain.” He stood up and offered her his hand. She just nodded.
               “No more kissing under the rain then?” she teased.
              “How about under the shower, you want? It’s thermo regulated.” He played along, putting his arm around her waist, pulling her close to him while still holding her hand with the other. “Dou datta?(how about it?)” he whispered smiling mischievously moving his eyebrows up and down. Rin was laughing.
             “I feel like covering our baby’s ears right now. Baby, your dad is so naughty.”

pairing: nino/oc, fic: oj, band: arashi, length: chaptered

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