Oct 12, 2015 01:56
1930 - nose starts dropping like a faucet. Have cold.
2100 - took 2 NyQuil, got ready for bed
2130 - husband insists we must watch doctor who
2150 - out cold.
2230 - husband starts series of other tv. at normal volume. Am drugged and sedated
0100 - drug induced sedation wears off, become aware of husband gossiping with others at normal volumes. Determined to ignore.
0120 - gets up to use bathroom and drink and take more pills.
0130 - followed around by husband plagued with questions like "how are you feeling" and "anything I can do for you?" -- Uhm yea it's s cold. Just let me sleep.
0135 - get back in bed. Husband still watching tv and talking. Makes remark about him going to sleep so he can wake up in the AM. Informed next day is holiday, so :p
0140 - conversation partner is embarrassed and leaves room. Husband says "must be considerate" fusses to get headphones etc to watch tv "in silence". Fidgets with chair, controls, tv, endlessly.
0145 - makes declaration of readiness to kill.
0148 - quiet, finally. Tv is bright and flickering. Pulls blanket over headboard to make blanket fort.
0152 - husband starts talking at tv.
0153 - . . .