♫ [ Application ] ♫

Jul 25, 2020 16:36

Player's Name: Lisa
Player LJ: sunflowerraven
AIM or Email: AIM: blondiegirltitan
Timezone: EST
Other Characters Played: Original!Phoenix Wright (turnabout_ace), Original!Amy Rose (paintmyselfblue), Original!Rhyme Bito (rhymingbeat)

Character: Klavier Gavin, but he'll go under the name 'Kantilen'
Series/Fandom: Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Original or Template version: Template

Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Sexuality: Bisexual - He won't limit himself to a gender; if someone strikes his fancy he'll make sure he has them either way.

Link to picture/PB of character: http://www.court-records.net/arts/artbook/artofgs-438.jpg

Appearance: Kantilen isn't overly tall, barely 5'10 with his boots, but he's definitely on the slender, slightly muscular side. A boy of German decent with natural short blond hair and sun kissed skin, coupled with gentle baby blue eyes normally kept hidden behind purple tinted sunglasses. Purple is the main color for his outfit, found on the dark collared shirt that hugs his form as well as the tight cargo pants that conform to his legs. Black combat style boots finish his outfit. On top of that, he has a lot of jewelery: the largest being a silver jagged G he wears on a chain around his neck, which is the symbol for his band and is also found imprinted in gold twice along his chest on his shirt. A chain link belt loosely secures itself around his waist, and several silver band rings are worn on his fingers. His left ear is also pierced with a small silver hoop.

Personality: When speaking to him, one might find it easy to get sucked up into his attitude. He can be very polite, very charming, and very approachable. Being a front man for a very famous band, he has to be the type of man that girls fawn over and boys idolize. Of course, his personality in public and his personality behind the scenes are very different.

Klavier is, first and foremost, a rock star. He radiates this egotistical aura, which affects everything he does; how he walks, what he wears, and even how he talks. His accent is slightly exaggerated - though whether it's actual or something he does on purpose is a secret only he's aware of - and he interrupts his speaking with various German words and phrases.

While he tends to think in simple desires - he'll say he became a rock star so that women would look at him when he walked down the street - he knows what he wants and will do anything to accomplish it. He dedicates a lot of time to his work and his music, and he knows he's very good at what he does. His temper is rather short, and he has a tendency to throw 'diva fits' if something doesn't go the way he intended it to, but mostly it comes from his ingrained desire to be perfect. This desire is like an obsession: he wants to be a legend, the public expects him to be a legend, and there is no room for mistakes.

Fitting along with his image, he's also quite rebellious, selfish and arrogant. From his clothes to his attitude, Klavier doesn't give much consideration to 'rules' and likes doing things his way. Parties, concerts, song writing.. you name it, he does it. Call it being selfish, call it self-gratification, but if Klavier sees something and wants it, he'll do whatever he can to get it. Because of this outlook, he tends to party quite a bit (bringing 'sex, drugs, and rock and roll' a whole new meaning) - though he keeps his head about him and doesn't get involved in anything that would ruin his career or damage his voice.

Despite this, he still knows when to be nice and polite or flirtatious and teasing, usually when the person in question has something he wants.

Physical Strengths: Kantilen might be on the tall, lanky side, but he's still pretty strong. Years of pushing through crowds and singing on stage has given him quite a bit of endurance and speed. Plus, he has been known to exercise frequently, so overall he is in good health. Being quicker than the enemy also helps with surprise attacks, should the opportunity arise.

Psychological Strengths: Kantilen knows what his goals in life are, and it is very hard to distract him from what he's set out to accomplish. He's also determined to make sure nobody stands in his way. If winning them over with his charming looks and personality doesn't work, he's more than willing to clash heads with any 'threats'. He's also very intelligent and often times thinks on his feet against his adversaries. It all goes back to the fact that he has to get what he wants, for good intentions or bad alike. Kantilen is determined, strong willed, and is great at conveying his desires in a rather poetic fashion; in a way almost akin to a sweet and sensitive side. However, whether this is true or not would require someone with a lot of patience willing to search deep.

Physical Weaknesses: Kantilen is a normal human with no special abilities or enhancements. While he has the ability to hold his ground in a fight, being outnumbered will severely dampen his chance at winning. Pushing, shoving, and other rough attacks through crowds and encounters with stalkers have increased his tolerance for handling such situations. However, nothing compares to being pitted against someone who outweighs him or has quicker reaction time. No matter how indestructible he claims to be, he's well aware that if he takes a good enough hit, he'll be out of commission for a while, depending on the severity of the outcome. He's not prepared to deal with a broken nose or other debilitating injury.

Psychological Weaknesses: Kantilen has quite a bit of a temper which seems to come out the most when he doesn't get his way. This can cause conflict with other people who are also steadfast in their ideals: he has to be in charge and have the last say in everything. Because of this, it is very hard for him to submit to someone of authority. He also relies too much on his talent and his appearance, as he’s integrated them both into his identity. The only people he openly trusts are the other members of 'Gavin Wave', since they’ve been through a lot together. The development of an 'us' vs 'them' mentality is something that developed in him over time, and because of it Kantilen is wary of people outside of the band trying to get too close to him.

History: Klavier was the second son born to a prestigious family in Germantown. The family was very wealthy and very well known due to his father being an excellent defense attorney, so the boys were followed by the public rather regularly. From an early age, Klavier proved to be drastically different from his brother: he was very hyperactive and had a hard time focusing in school. Because of these actions, he demanded a lot more attention from his parents, which at first upset and then annoyed his older brother. Growing up under the strict confines of his parents rules and decisions didn't help much, either.

Because of this, the two of them didn't get along at all.

When Klavier was seven, the family was involved in a terrible accident which left in him severe shock that took him months to recover from and his parents dead. Now orphaned, Klavier lived with his brother, and despite how different their personalities were, they eventually grew to respect each other. During his teens, Klavier was intent on making his own identity that didn't involve his parents' lifestyle.

His brother disapproved of this immensely and tried to encourage him to follow the path he was following after his father, and Klavier couldn't take the confines of his life anymore: he cut his hair and ran away from home to head out with his friends, determined to prove to the world (as well as his brother) that what he was doing was the right thing to do.

It was a success.

Changing his name in the public eye to 'Kantilen' Gavin (since mentioning his real name causes him to get annoyed due to how stupid he feels it is) and went off defining his own world. Asserting his own independence, he became a famous rock star, and his band, known as the 'Gavin Wave', soon turned out to be famous. Of course, despite his change in appearance, people still recognized him, and there were requests from members of his 'family' for money and other favors.

Of course, the only one who didn't seem to care was his brother, who flat out resented him for who he became.

This angered him inwardly, but drove him all the same, keeping himself fiercely independent. He constantly argued with the band's manager as he always wanted to do things his way, and considering the power he held he usually won. The only ones who were able to persuade him otherwise were other members of his band, but it wasn't easy.

A big concert was coming up, and Kantilen was making sure everyone had everything down wonderfully. Of course, the day started off on the wrong foot: first he lost the key to his guitar case, and then his motorcycle wouldn't start. To make matters worse, just as the curtain was about to rise on their performance..

...he wound up in an entirely different version of the Template City he lived in.

*application, *ooc

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