Well, isn't this a fascinating place! I'm admittedly not very handy with computers, but this website seems easy enough to navigate.
In any case, my name is Nigel Ratburn, and I'm a third-grade teacher at Lakewood Elementary School. It's a pleasure to meet all of you.
Apparently this community is a sort of melting pot of various "characters" from different "fandoms"? Interesting! And I'm from a children's book series and TV show titled "Arthur" - it seems my own student Arthur Read is the titular character. I'm sure he'd be delighted!
Oh, I was poking around this Internet and I discovered this video, which is apparently the theme song to the "Arthur" TV show.
Click to view
I quite like the part when Alan and Muffy mistake me for a shark in the pool - very clever!
I believe there are others that are new here besides myself. This calls for some cake, yes?