Here we go again

Dec 02, 2008 07:11

Long weekend, much food, not much work done. No surprise there.

In other news I did get the hardcover collection of Gaiman's Eternals revival and I really enjoyed it. It came together much better as a single piece than when it was serialized. It's a nice dark green hardcover that looks like a great match to my copy of 1602. Gaiman and JRjr really did a good job of evoking the sheer immensity of late-period Kirby.

When it came to writing, yesterday was pretty much a bust. I did get one crit off to critters, and some notes done on my "Princess" story; but that's about it. The good news is that I now know exactly where I'm going with that story even if part of the route is still a little hazy. I'm writing this one a little differently than I normally do. I started with a basic idea and then started writing directly to draw out the characters. Normally I try to have the whole arc of a short in mind before I start writing, but that doesn't always work for me in that it leads to never starting short stories. So this time I waited until I had my main characters down and then jotted the rest of the plot arc. That's good because I know how it finishes, but bad because I'm behind schedule.

So what happens last night; other than the dream where I was selected to go to Mars in two days and had the epiphany that I'd better call my parents to tell them before leaving? I get another short story idea. This one expands on back story for a character in the novel I've got on the back burner while I do some shorts. Now I just need to finish the current one and move on to it. (Oh and do at least one if not two more critters crits this week).

I almost forgot: I've got a paying piece to work on too - and some elance connects to use up before Thursday.

Off I go.
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