Have you tried suicide today?

May 23, 2007 10:55

OK, so I was looking for a new aim icon, because new screen names need new icons in my opinion. While glancing over the selection I found a whole folder for suicide icons. I will say that again: SUICIDE ICONS!!!!! What. the. fuck. Out of curiosity I clicked on said folder; it was so sad. There were ones likes, "Pull the trigger and the nightmare stops" and "suicide: U hurt me 1st" with a picture of a knife over a wrist. Suicide has become a commodity. Its something you can market to upset teenagers. I wonder if staring at "Pull the Trigger" long enough would have any adverse effects? Hmmm, I'm thinking yes. And the worst part? The ad directly about these icons when I first went to this folder, was for teen cellphone rings. This completes the idea that suicide is no big deal, its just a part of culture. I am so disturbed by where our culture is headed. I'm not a 'save the world' person, but jesus, even I know what human decency is. Peace out.
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