What is it about people in the gym?

Mar 22, 2006 10:10

I finally made it to Fitness Factory (www.ff.com) around 9 AM. I had my list of things to do in the gym therefore set off to stretching all the necessary body parts and rode the cyclotron Ass Burner 2000 for five minutes to warm up the legs.

Since I haven't actually been lifting for quite a while my workouts consist of strength building for joints and tissues that I plan to punish with massive amounts of iron in two weeks. Calf Raises, Machine Rows, Preacher Curls, Tricep Pushdowns, Back Extensions, and Crunches. During the course of my circuit I noticed an older guy probably in his 50's making this weird face while he was working on the machine bicep curls. I looked away cause I would have started laughing at the contortions. A while later when I was at the Seated Machine Row the same guy came out, walked over to the bench press stations, said something to his trainer, and started griding as if he were at Swinging Richards.

Bwaaaaa Hahahahaha

I couldn't help it. I had a big gut buster laugh but kept it on the inside resulting in a lots silent gasping chuckles cause I didn't want him to know I noticed his flashdance.

Might I note that Ricky Martin was blasting on the loudspeakers?
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