Once more checking in

Feb 22, 2010 02:17

So much for my thoughts of updating more often. I still am blaming my lack of attention span. We are almost two months in to this year and at this time I have usually read ten to fifteen books,this year I have read none. I cant sit down and read without getting distracted. I do better with movies, and just in the last few weeks I have caught up on some of my comic reading.( which is essential really,as its the business I am in) I have at least,so far, stopped buying new books. The unread pile is huge and would still be pretty big even if I have read what I usually do. I keep thinking this will pass I will read again.(dramatic much?)
The one thing I have been able to do is eat good foods instead of crap.I also exercise regularly, and drink a lot of water. This all continues to work as I may have lost more then ten pounds again this month.(I will know for sure next Monday, I only weight myself at the end of the month) The weather is getting warmer and I expect to start daily walks, but for now I am just doing the stationary bike for a half hour a day. I have thoughts of weights too,but they are not fully formed. I know I want to do light weights with high repetitions,but I have no program or even an idea of how to go about it. I will probably explore the internets for some answers and then do what I want.(anyone who does have a good idea for me to explore I am open to all right now,thanks)
Order forms are due tomorrow,which means I will be going over Aprils and some of Mays comics and figuring out what will sell at the store. Hoping that I can take into consideration all the trends and taste turns that comic fans will be going thru then. Right now we are also keeping our eye on economy considerations.(so far,knock on wood, we have not taken a big hit from the bad economy,but any new trend has to be considered)After that tho my week is wide open to do nothing or to run around and look busy. I am very good at both,but often the fact I dont get out of bed when there is daylight pre-decides my going with the former. What I feel like doing is finding some place with some really, really loud live music and just let it wash my head clean.

diet, music, store, comics, reading

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