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California travel guide (If you look at the generated code, it isn't that hard to manually edit. I added a state I'd forgotten. I love being a geek! I guess this means I should learn html?)
Actually, Pat and I are going to visit our moms, starting this Saturday. Mine's in Chicago, her's is in Honolulu. Guess where we're spending most of the 2 weeks? Our son Jon is in Chicago as well, so we'll visit him and his fiance and discuss wedding stuff. I'll also see my sister and her family. A busy 3 days.
The best part about going to Hawaii is that not only is her mom there (free lodging, yay!), but so's her sister and, right now, all her children. So, Pat and I get to visit Pam and Koichi; Robin, Steve and their 3 children; Todd, Kim and their child; Jill, (now what's her husband's name again?) and their child. If that doesn't get Pat talking about being grandparents, I'll be surprised. (We're expecting 2 grandkids in the next 2 years - we've been promised, sorta)