Brent has a small, misshapen penis

Dec 16, 2004 00:58

1. What is your full name? Rufus Andrew May

2. Nicknames: I think Rufi was the last frequent one.

3. Birthday: Nov 14, 1983

6. Where do you live?  I'd say "My own litle world", but it's actually quite large and heavily populated.

7. What school do you attend? The school of AWESOME.

8. Righty or Lefty: A la Brent, right power!

*********YOUR LOOKS*********

12. Hair color: Brown.

13. Eye color: Hazel, motherfucker!  Word.

14. Height: 6'2"

15. Do u wear contacts or glasses? YES, my vision is faulty, thank you very much.

16. Do you have any piercings? I was pierced because I love you.

17. Where do you want move if you do?  Sigil.

18. Do you have a tattoo? Nope.

19. If so what and where: Shut the fuck up!

20. Do you wear any rings?  One time I put a BK onion ring on my finger and shouted "I am the queen of the fairies!".  Then I pulled off my pants and threw them at the manager.  I'm not allowed back there.  So no, I don't wear rings anymore.

************JUST LATELY***************

23. How are you today? I had a terrible headache which threatened to tear my skull asunder.  It's gone now, so I guess I'm fine.

24. What pants are you wearing right now? Pajama bottoms.

25. What shirt are you wearing right now? I'M NOT WEARING A SHIRT RIGHT NOW.

28. What song are you listening to right now? None.  What a strange society, where it is assumed you are always listening to music.  Where's the zen?

29. What does your nail polish look like? Lime green.

30. How is the weather right now? Fairly cold, but not as much as Brent or Stef would have you believe.

31. Last dream you can remember? Something about Baldur's Gate 2, I believe.

************More about YOU**********

33. Do you like the person that sent this to you? You mean Brent?  Ha ha ha!

35. What makes you happy? Being liked and respected by others, and the screams of the dying.

36. What's the best advice ever given to you? Don't eat that, you'll get sick.

37. What kind of music do you listen to? Metal, for the most part.

38. If you could meet any famous person who would it be? No one in particular.

39. Worse sickness you ever had? I had a fever once, I think.  I'm pretty healthy, mostly.

40. What's the craziest thing you've ever done? I shot a man just to watch him die.  Wait, that was Johnny Cash.

41. What's your funniest memory? I really don't have a 'funniest memory', and refuse to choose one.  It just fosters resentment between them.

42. If u could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Two words:  Supernatural powers.

43. How many kids do you want to have? One daughter.  Maybe a son after, depends how I feel.

46. Daughter's name? Althea, Moira, and Fiona have always been favorites.

47. Son's name? Malachi and Balthazar are good.  Probably best I don't have a son.

48. Do you smoke? Nope?

49. Do you drink? Im nto dunk!  How daer you//?

50. What is your favorite color(s)? Black.

51. What sports do you like the most? Hunting poachers in Siberia.

53. How many TV's do you have in your house? Zero.

54. Do you have your own? I own several spoons.  Do they count?

55. Do you have your own phone line? Well, I'm the only person living here, so yep.

56. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Only if we have protection.

57. Have you ever broken/sprained/fractered a bone? Ha!  The bones of Rufus do not break/sprain/fracture!

59. Who's the loudest friend(s)? Athena's pretty loud, I guess.  Not as loud as a nuclear explosion or anything, but reasonably loud nonetheless.

61. Is cheerleading a sport? Sure, why not.  I don't see why people get hopped up about what counts as a sport or not.

*************YOU and LOVE****************

62. Do you believe in Love?  Maybe.  Why does it have a capital letter?  Is this the goddess Love, or a mythical city?

64. Do you have a crush? Nope.

65. Who's your crush? YOUR FACE!

67. Do you believe in Love at first sight? Yep.  Doesn't always last, though.

68. What song do you want played at your wedding? She Blinded Me With Science.  Now, I just have to get married before Brent...

69. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? How sexy they are.  Yeah!

71. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?  Angela Baxter.  Are you reading this, Angela?

*******ONLY FOR GIRLS TO FILL OUT*********

74. Boxers or briefs?
75. Curly or straight hair:
76. Tall or short:
77. Good boy or bad boy?
78. Six pack or muscular arms:
79. Hat or no hat:
80. Ears pierced or no piercings:
81. tan or no:
82. Dimples or not?:
83. Rugged or sporty:
85. Studly or cutie:
86. Accent or not:
87. Glasses:
88. Smart or dumb:
89. What sport should he play?
90. dependent or independent?


91. Make up or no? Never really thought about it.  Without, I guess.

92. Painted nails or not: Doesn't matter.

93. Play sports or reads at home? Plays at home and reads sports.

94. Cute n' mysterious or wild n' crazy? Why choose?

95.  Dark or light hair: Either.

96. Long or short hair: Short.

97. Curly or straight hair: Straight.

98. Dark, light, or crazy cool eyes: I don't know what 'crazy cool' means, so I'm going to pick it!

99. Long or short nails: Long nails for better raking.

100. Hat or no hat: NO HAT!  God help you if I see a hat.

101. Good or bad: Do you mean morally or qualitatively?  I'll say bad and good respectively.

102. Hair up or down: Either.

103. Jewelry or none: Either, both.  These questions are meaningless and tiresome.

104. Tall or short: EITHER.

105. Accent or no accent:  EITHER!

106. Pants, skirt or dress: EITH- Oh, wait.  SKIRT!  Definitely skirt.  Mmmm...

107. Tan or fair: White is right.

108. Contacts or none: How could I tell?

109. Pretty indoor chick or crazy party chick: I guess the indoor chick is pretty, so I'll choose her.

110. Freckles or none: Sigh.  Either.

111. Shy or outgoing: Shy.  Less likely to meet a better man that way.

113. Talkative or shy: To be perfectly honest, as long as she wears a skirt and dyes her hair, I don't give a damn.


114. On the phone or in person? Boo to the phone.

119. Chocolate or white milk: Racially pure milk.

120. Root Beer or water: Water.  But Root Beer is good too.  I love all the refreshments!

121. Glass half full or half empty? It depends on what the usual state of the glass is, but probably half full.

122. Tape or DVD?: Obviously DVD.  I'm no heathen.

123. Cats or Dogs: Depends how lazy I'm feeling.  Dogs are more work, but more rewarding.

124. Vanilla or Chocolate ice cream? Vanilla.

125. Skiing or Boarding: I'll just walk, thanks.

126. day or night: Night.  More vampires to hunt.

127. Cake or pie: The variance within flavors of cakes and pies is greater than the variance between cakes and pies.

128. Diamond or pearls: Pearls.  No cartel for me!

129. Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset's the only one I ever see.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~HAVE you EVER~~~~~~~~~

131. Drank? I'm a straightedge samurai, and must now kill myself for the dishonor of having read that question.

132. Ever gotten dumped? Nope.

133. Broken the law? Many a time.

134. Ran from the cops? Can't say I have.

135. Missed someone? Yeah, but I got them the second time.

136. Travelled? From BC to Ontario.

137. Gone camping? As many times as their are grains of sand on a beach.  Well, a little less than that.

138. Cried? I cry myself to sleep every night, because the voices won't be silent.

139. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? I don't believe so, but I might've just forgotten.

140. Do you like filling these out? They do kill time.

141. How many people are you sending this to? I'll put it on LJ, where no one will ever see it.

143. Who is least likely to respond? Anyone who doesn't read my LJ.

144. Who will respond the quickest? Probably Brent.  He'll fall right into my trap!

145. Cheated on someone? Nope.

146. Been cheated on? Don't believe so, but who knows?  Stranger things have happened.

147. Lied? Yes, but the past few years I've really cut back.

148. Had sex in a public place? Every day.

149. Done drugs? Well, I don't want to say anything too directly, so let's just say I "ate" "lots" of "magic mushrooms".

150. Hated these things with a passion? I do nothing with a passion.  I am a soulless, passionless engine of destruction
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