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You may access to macro dynamically in Twig but this solution is risky. This method will’t ever be in best practice guidebook. But… It works.
Every Twig template is compiled to common PHP file and every macro converted to public method. For example, this foo macro:
{% import _self as _util %}
{% macro some_method(param) %}
{{ param }}
{% endmacro %}
is compiled to something like this:
// line 10
public function getsome_method($_param = null)
$context = $this->env->mergeGlobals(array(
"param" => $_param,
$blocks = array();
// ...
As you may know it is possible to access public method with
attribute Twig-function. So, solution will be like this:
{% set macro_name = 'some_method' %}
{{ attribute(_util, 'get' ~ macro_name, [param]) }}