Aug 01, 2005 21:42
So this past weekend was pride weekend in San Diego. I go to church on Sunday, theres a HUGE!!! rainbow flag adorning the front of the building, with rainbow streamers surrounding it. The church had a group march in the parade the day before, and had people handing out free baked goods and drinks to other groups marching. They also have a booth at the festival.
Then there was Sunday's sermon. Gospel was story of when Jesus wanted to get away to think after John the Baptist had been killed, but the people followed him. At the end of the day his discipels wanted to send the people away so they could get dinner, Jesus insisted they stay and the disciples feed them. Five loafs of bread and two fish fed the group with more left over than there was to begin with. Priest pointed out that marriage like compassion and justice aren't finite qualities. Expanding them doesn't cheapen whats already out there, on the contrary the more you spread them the more you get.
Theres a proposition that will likely be on June's ballot that will not only make a constitutional ammendment banning gay marriage, but also take away all domestic partnership rights currently in place, of course religious groups are sponsoring it. Maybe I wasn't paying attention in CCD, but I never remember learning the stories of when God preaching hate. Theres so many teenagers out there today that are so antireligion because so many churches are lost. Why can't we just learn to respect that not everyone is the same?