Sewing: Dresses dresses Ta-Da!

Mar 28, 2011 19:07

I decided it was about time I formerly introduced the 2 dresses of 2010.


The teal dot dress… based on my most used pattern with the empire waistline that dips to the back.


Curtain fabric bought at the Birmingham rag market for a steal. I fell in love with the rather grown up neutral greeny-beigey shade and the fact that the back was a super glossy bright teal. So I came up with a design that showed off both. Add a bit of teal velvet ribbon and I’m done.

The 50’s Christmas dress….


…..but plain enough to be worn all year round. Excuse crumples - I am a lazy sod!

Based on this old pattern of my Granny’s….

……. which amazingly fitted perfectly (minor alteration… I made the bodice an inch shorter cos I'm short in the trunk!) Who’d have thought that a modern day Size 10 is an early 60’s Size 16! I  am so pleased with how this pattern turned out. I’ll definitely be using it for future dresses.

They have both been worn a bazzillion times and will do so again I’m sure.

What has prompted me to post these now??…. my growing pile of dresses in waiting… 4 lovely bits of material that I am determined get cracking on this year.  I’ve got a week before my next job starts and I’m determined to make 2 in that time.

classic lolita, sewing

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