Mar 10, 2007 00:17
As most of you already know I am Arnetta's grandson, Cody Rutherford. My grandmother never once missed a birthday of mine, whether she had been early with a present or just on time, she never missed one. On my most recent birthday she sent her love home with my parents on December fourteenth , the thought of that present overwhelmed me in more ways than I could have ever imagined...and with $3.00 as my birthday gift I was the richest boy in the world, me and my family knew it was all about intentions and her's that night were no more than to love me, I'll tell you, it was three dollars that opened me up to what love really is, and my grandmother that bought love for me, not with three dollars, but for being there for me when she was the one who needed all of us, the most. With my fondest memory shared I leave you to bare witness to your own memories of how love is made, and how my grandmother, Arnetta, shared what she knew of love with you. Thank you all for coming, God bless.