Never been here before..

Jul 05, 2006 18:54

Alright I'll post Three possible choices for this poll, the reason for this is I will use the opinions of you, my friends, over mine to help me with my own decision making. So here's the deal, as you comment include which one you choose, and explain what you think the option you chose is suppose to represent.
Thanks, and good luck.

Options : There are three drinks set in front of you, and you can only choose a single one.

The first: your favorite drink.

The second: drink is a past favorite that you have neglected and haven't tried it in what seems like forever.

The third: the most complicated, it isn't your favorite drink and never has been, but it has the perfect twist of refreshment and taste, and has no aftertaste.

This will help me in many things, but even though this is for myself I want to see how much insight all of you have, try on this one, and comment, please.
Well 4-H is soon enough and I am guessing I will probably not update again til afterwards, but who cares lol. gues I am excited about it , but not really, I sorta don't expect it to be as good as it is supposed to be. Fireworks, family, food, yep that's the sum up of the 4th, oh wait can't forget the rain, but as I said that sums it up, I guess it was alright not too great most fun was watching Overhauled.© < I don't know how to make the trade mark sign.
oh ya , I got my learner's about a month ago, later guys.

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