Mar 04, 2006 23:10
Have you ever been told that "you can't..", and thought to yourself don't underestimate me...? Well, that little sentence, three words, is enough to drive a person to create a mental deathtrap for themself. People just let, the fact that someone thinks they are weak, cause them to try harder only to fail...And cause more pain for themself. Alright, Read that again and think about it...That is the words of someone who believes that solitude is the most effective way to void issues, and that drama is actually caused by the people who try to avoid drama....Anyone who has read my updates and pondered about them knows that in a way there is at leaste some truth in my words, but the reality is that I try to use logic to escape myself... No matter what listen to that little voice in the back of your head, you know the one that says "don't underestimate me," anything is possible to do in a particular way, you just have to believe and accomplish, but, when you want something for yourself, it first has to be for someone/something else. If you love, let love be where it is happy. If you hope, let hope be ready for reality and wonderful surprise. When you take on responsibility, let resposibility rule you.
P.S. The answer to the thing in science, you know the extra credit..
Juan de Fuca:"Ioannis Phokas" and/or "Apostolos Valerianos"
Juan de Fuca (born 1536 as Ioannis Phokas in Valerianos/Greece; † 1602 in Zákynthos/Greece, often reported as Apostolos Valerianos), was a Greek captain employed by Spain to sail northward from Mexico and look for a northern passage from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean. In 1592 his exploration took him into the body of water, the Strait of Juan de Fuca (since 1788 named after him). His ancestors had fled Constantinople about half a century before his birth.
The Juan de Fuca Plate, which also bears his name, is a tectonic plate subducting under the northerly portion of the western side of the North American Plate along the coasts of Oregon and Washington States in the US.