Going For The Look

May 28, 2011 10:47

Title: Going For The Look
Fandom: Community
Rating:  PG-13
Genre: Romance
Characters/Pairings: Jeff/Annie, Troy/Britta, mentions of Abed/Annie
Spoilers: Up to the end of S2
Summary: Jeff is going for the ‘Han Solo’ look during their third year Halloween Party. Annie calls him out on it.
A/N: This was written for a Ficcy Friday prompt on Milady/Milord, ( Read more... )

fic, community, jeff/annie, romance, humour

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rufeepeach May 28 2011, 15:56:25 UTC
I'm writing so much these days I barely recognize my hard-drive. It has completed fic and *everything*! Jeff/Annie fandom is a wonderful thing :)

This was PG-13 for a few reasons: first, in this situation I felt I either had to repeat the basic principles/argument/resolution from my last ficcy-friday story, which would be boring for all involved, or get them to be all sweet first before they would get to the nooky. Second: last time I responded to a ficcy-friday prompt with smut, the person who prompted didn't want that and had to skip over it. So, trying to be considerate :P.

However, we all know how rare this is for me. The smut will most likely follow, given some time ;)

He so dressed up as Han for her. That's not subtext, that's bold, highlighted, underlined *text*.

Admiral Ackbar was a giant lobster general rebellion guy in Star Wars. He was probably in Futurama, too, though :)

Yeah, I saw that prompt, and I thought 'Dude! Two birds, one stone!'

My and a friend of mine were going to be Spike and Dru last Halloween, but we didn't get our shit together in time. I was trying to think of slightly obscure but awesome people for them to dress up as, and I would love to see Angel!Troy so much. Plus, Abed totally has the build to be Spike :P


teruel_a_witch May 28 2011, 16:56:13 UTC
It really really is, I haven't been this invested since D/R fandom and people are so nice and welcoming here (and I love how we bond even over prompts during Ficcy FridayXD)

Yeah yeah, I totally get why, we still need to work on depraving M/M fandom s'more, not everybody has been spoiled by Ten/Rose smut for life ;D

The smut will most likely follow, given some time ;)
Good, something to look forward to :D

Oh, right, still need to watch Star Wars some day XD I dunno about Futurama, I just remembered that red squid-crab-lobster kinda thing, I don't remember who he was XD

Yeah, I saw that prompt, and I thought 'Dude! Two birds, one stone!'
It was a nice surprise :D

Heh, I dunno if I should be upset or relieved I never had to think about Halloween costumes, probably a bit of both *gg*
Haha, even Spike has more meat on his ones than Abed XD


teruel_a_witch May 28 2011, 16:59:31 UTC
btw, this entry is tagged with dean pelton and chang, you probably accidentally clicked those?


rufeepeach May 28 2011, 17:21:14 UTC
Thanks :) My Pelton and Chang tags are right next to the 'fic' and 'Community' tags. LJ was being a tool last night and i had to keep re-tagging this *grr*. Fixed now!


teruel_a_witch May 28 2011, 17:55:59 UTC
No problo ;)


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