I am trying to calm myself down. I spent several hours today (unsuccessfully) trying to get the new debec chat part of the website to work. Having done a lot of combininations and followed advice from the chat software provider's website I have gotten nowhere and seem to be the 1% whom the sofware does not work for any reason. I decided I was too worked up about this so decided to sow up my black (non-regia) cloak, got about 10 mins into setting up the machine when I had to help my dad fiddle with the areal (much shouting back and forth about TV quality). Then after that the machine refused to be anything like nice to me, and even though I got my mum to set it up so it would actually sow it still mocks me. I have now given up in disugust and hope that I might be able to get some sleep though my past record for the last week or two is not good in that respect either.
One thing I did manage to get done was the overlord II video.