Life sucks more than I can even begin to express... Now, dont be too concerned about me. I'm sure I am only feeling this way because I am super depressed right now. Nothing I can do about it. Manic phaze ended and a depressive one began and I have no idea when this will end. I will do my best to survive while it's here, like I always do.
I guess I'm starting to not care if the boys I think are hot hear me when I express as much. Twice today alone I have seen a boi I thought was hot and said as much. Not to him, but to my friend
midnyghtembers. Both times the boi in question heard me and looked at me. One looked kind of pissed and the other had such a blank look on his face that I could not be sure what it was he was thinking. I really wanted to know though. *sigh*
Game was game this week. I am trying to catch one story line up with another and it is not going the way I expected it to. I have no idea what I am going to do about those other four Companions who didnt get Rion's message, but that is something that is with Rion alone and I really cant let that effect the game too much.
Malikai has all but go his wings at this point. I am stealing the character almost entirely from the beautiful boi Michael Turner created for his SoulFire series of comics. I just love those 'books so much. *giggle*
Ezria and Co. are headed back to Atlantis right now, though I think they might be headed for Seattle again here by Friday's game. Dunno. *shrug*. Rion and Saske have this love fight thing to do that is going to take both of them out of the Game for about ten minutes and there is no telling what Ezria is going to do about Rion and his decision to stay behind with Billy when the rest of them were sent away. Billy was trying to protect them, and now all of that is gone. I wonder if it really did have something to do with a magical portal ripping itself open right in front of them and nearly killing everyone in the process had anything to do with that... *shrug*
Friday should be interesting no matter what, though, and it will be better if I can pull out of this funk before then.
I'm still working on the new write of Undiguised. I think its *so* much better than the other and I think my new beta is going to love it.
There's not much else to day right now. I guess I'll go.