I have't posted much here for awhile due to Real life - I have however, been lurking my f-list almost everyday for new fics and kitty photos :) My love for fandom has suffered a little bit since I haven't watched any new anime (or read manga) since FMA ended. Instead I've been drawing more of my own original characters, and working on Uni stuff too!
If you want to see my new art, you can find it here:
http://rueme.deviantart.com/ Otherwise I've been finishing up a video game project for Uni, which is due next Friday (I have to get all my illustration work done soon so that it can be printed on Tuesday - oh geeze.). I'm super excited to start working on a graphic novel (comic book) project next semester after winter break (winter here is around june-august! Weird, huh?), with my own story, concepts, and characters... maybe I'll treat this blog as a work in progress art blog for that later on? Maybe.
I would like to draw more FMA art, but to be honest I figured it'd be more worth my while drawing my own characters... at least that way I could use the illustrations for the comic, and use them for my portfolio too :) Can't really do that with fanart, haha...
So sorry to all the FMA people here who watch me XD; Sorry if I'm disappointing you guys.