As per an online buddy, here's a photo of my manga collection as of February 2010.
(By the way, the shelf was originally made for DVDs/CDs. But since manga are conveniently the same size, viola!)
So...I've been collecting manga for the past...decade?
and decided that I've come to the point where I need to document my mini-library for my own sake before I lose track of them.
Total count: 312+
Don't ask me how much money that estimates to; I'm too afraid to find out.
Contrary to the number listed above, I'm very cheap when it comes to buying manga.
If possible, I buy manga as cheap as I can get them (usually online or with free store credit).
There were a lot of things that I've realized as I was documenting these...
- I have a lot of "starter" volumes. That is, I have a lot of the first volumes of a handful of series that I'll most likely never pick up from. Bleach, Prince of Tennis, D.Gray Man...etc.
- There are some series that I haven't completed. Even though I'm missing like...the last 1 or 2 volumes. Most of the time, it's because they are old series and harder to find in-store.
- I'm missing random volumes. Usually, like 1 or 2 volumes in a span of 5 books.
- There are some that I hate. Usually bought as a result of impulse, there are a handful of manga that I bought blindly because they were sealed. Therefore, all I had to rely on is the cover and summary on the back (which are usually quite elaborated).
- I've been boycotting TokyoPop. They've upped the price another dollar, and lowered the quality of the paper (including the cover) to this sad, almost sheer tissue. DNAngel and Lagoon Engine are the only exceptions because they are ongoing series that I started years ago before the price/quality change.
- Sailor Moon is the first series I ever bought. But because the series is quite old now, it is insanely hard to find (cheap). Kind of regret not buying more at the time.
- I REFUSE to buy the entire Naruto series. I've only picked up the volumes that contain my favorite chapters/arcs.