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Jan 13, 2005 18:01

erin lindsay and i ended up staying up way too late talking last night so i ended not going to sleep until almost 4am. i had a really long day today because i had class from 10-2 and then 3-5, but i survived. im going to go to bed early tonight so hopefully with more sleep ill be a little more sane.

i got my class schedule for feb-apr and i got all the classes i want and was able to move stuff around so that i have a schedule i like. ill be having italian classes twice a week in the morning for 1.5 hour a day, either m/w or t/th until 1100. then i have renaissance art history from 1115-1pm m/w, food cultures from 1115-1pm t/th, and my photography class from 315-645pm on tuesday. itll be nice because ill be able to travel starting on thursdays, but ill have to find things to keep me busy for those other afternoons so that i dont sit around thinking.

i think that my roommates and i are going to rome this weekend. we were gong to go to asissi (town near perugia) but in my umbra italian class today the prof said that we should go there now because "the japanese are coming!" theyre having their big sales this month (kind of like black friday for a whole month) and soon, apparently, tons of japanese tourists come, with empty suitcases, and "buy everything up". we shall see. i think itll be nice to travel, see something new, mix it up a little and hopefully feel a little more purposeful.

side note: peanut butter craving!
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