Title: Night Child
Rating: PG
Pairing: Key centric
Word Count: 714
Genre: Angst...
Summary: He reminisces over his past and he lets out secrets that aren’t ever meant to be heard. They slip from his lips just like the water slips down the hurtling waterfall.
Author's Note: I really do not know what came over me when I wrote this at all. I was listening to Bon Iver's "Woods" & "The Wolves (Act 1 &2)" , Florence + The Machine's "Hardest of Hearts" and "Falling", and Lykke Li's "I follow rivers". I feel like this should be a two shot, but Idk. ;u;
When he gazes out into the night sky, blanketed with millions of stars and dreams, his eyes swallow them up. He reminisces over his past and he lets out secrets that aren’t ever meant to be heard. They slip from his lips just like the water slips down the hurtling waterfall.
His secrets are to be cherished. Among his secrets are what he calls dreams and what he doesn’t call dreams he calls desires. Because he feels as though his desires he’ll never have but to dream, that is definitely something different. When he dreams, he dreams of love that never ends and beauty that is forever. When he dreams, he dreams of holding his hands and the hush-hush sounds of the wind blowing against the grass in a peaceful setting that he only dreams of.
He calls these dreams because he feels that he can accomplish them, unlike his wretched desires.
When he whispers his desires and dreams into the cold yet welcoming night, he hugs himself tightly. He hugs himself and promises that if no one else, he will keep it together and if he dies, his secrets and his desires and his dreams shall live on, so he whispers it to the moon, to the stars to the God above so they all know. He doesn’t want to carry that all with him; he wants them to be preserved within the night, within his second self. Within the real him, the night child in him.
Sometimes Kibum thinks about running away. Sometimes he thinks about leaving all the fame and being free. He thinks about being who he should be and he thinks about what he isn’t. sometimes he thinks that he should wander and let his wanderlust get the best of him until he is lead to somewhere where he just can’t stop to leave.
He wants to lose himself in the world and he wants to feel normal. He wants to have his arms stretched open wide to welcome the infliction of what the real world would say, he doesn’t want to be covered with sugar so everything seems alright. He wants someone to add salt to his wounds. He wants someone to agitate him so he can have a good excuse to let loose; to let go , to be the night child he is. To roam in the woods in search of who he is and where his heart is.
(My heart isn’t here, I don’t know where it is. I am completely lost, my heart is lost)
Sometimes he feels beyond lost, like he wasn’t even there. He thinks that maybe the fame got to him, even though he was always considered a blunt and down to earth person but still, it eats him up. Like a cancer that just won’t go away. Throughout his body and it plagues his thoughts and haunts his dreams at night; Kibum wants to be free. He wants to leave it all behind; he doesn’t want to be lost anymore.
He wants to be found because he believes even though he put on this great act of being put together, he was never was there.
(I was but a simple whisper within the air, travelling, I had no home to call my own. I was not lost nor would I be found. Where is my beginning and where is my end?)
Kibum wants to know where it all ends when he gathers himself and goes back into the apartment shared with four other young men. He wonders where he began and when he will end. He wonders how it will end and he wonders many wonders that go on forever. Sometimes he finds the night to be so simple, the sky so at ease and so calm, covered with billions of lights with many different stories and he wishes to be that light.
He promises himself that maybe when everything is all settled and when no one notices, he will slip away. He believes that if he disappears, he will be who he should be. He will accomplish his desires and succeed his dreams. If he disappears, he wouldn’t have to worry about being found, he’d never have to worry about being lost.
You can’t find what you haven’t lost.