I'm going to get a new car in October. It's a long story, WHY I'm getting it, since I have a pretty good car already. But anyways this is the story I want to tell: today the carseller-uncle called, and told that their systems fail and the same car, that he sold to us, has bees sold many times, so the receving of the car is moved. I was supposed to get it THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW (which is Friday the 16th), and it has been moved a MONTH. Yay, thanks, seller-uncle. The reason the same car was sold is that we're buying a brand new car, not used, and there was one car in Finland that was in the color I wanted (which would be green,
check this out xDD). So, when people who wanted the car in that color, bought it, the seller would look into his/her coputer and say: "there's one car in the country with that colour, well sell it to you and you'll get it in two weeks". Then the computer didn't update that it was sold, and the next person would buy it, and then the next... And well, you get the point. So now we'll have to wait for an ordered car, damn it! And I already tried to drive my tank empy in my old car. Now I'll have to fill it again... ;___;