Spike would like to tell you why his life is hard. || 001.

Nov 28, 2010 03:27

[handwritten - he has surprisingly nice almost Victorian looking script, but it takes on a violent sort of shake a sentence or two in,]

You know something? I've only been on this community a few weeks now, but you all seem really bloody concerned with what I call you.

Have you lot just never had a nickname? Or a friend? [He's one to talk...]

Can barely bloody remember names of people I actually know, let alone call them that. You make it seem like I ate your boyfriend, the way you prattle on.. and on..

So, I'm breaking this down for the *special snowflakes* out there: If I sound like I'm being rude or harsh it's because I'm running for my life. And if I sound a little testy, well. Could be because this blue demigoddess out my way is bollocksing things up like never before--

Summation? I'll call you what I bloody want. And if that hurts your delicate sensibilities I'd like to remind you I'm out here risking my undead arse for you meatbags.

meatbags does sound a bit harsh. take that one back

Just. Stop getting so bloody butthurt.

Love from, Spike

!ddd, spike has a deathwish, spike is a bigger tool than you know, spike has moodswings like a teen girl

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