Miss Maybelline Rose Avalon Becker-Brown. Maybe for short. Maybe Baby when we're feeling sassy.
Well, she's home! Robert got her from the foster agency yesterday. She's a black Labrador mix.
She's really thin and hardly eats a thing. She was also spayed on Monday, so she's really lethargic and probably in some deal of pain. She's got the doggy cough from being at the pound, so she has to take 2 mini pills twice a day to help her cough and ease her pain. Bobby went to work at 11 last night, but she was very good and slept through the night. We have a big crate for her, so I was able to close her in and I slept the opposite way on the bed so she could see me.
She just look SO SAD! that will change soon....
She doesn't want to chase the cats so much as she wants to socialize with them. Franki is approaching her but only when I'm sitting between them both. London is just pissed and she's keeping her distance. I think Franki may be the bridge to animal harmony in Avalon Manor.
If Maybe gets too close, Franki will hiss and raise her fur and I think Maybe gets the picture that she shouldn't fuck with the cats.