5 min of my day

Apr 21, 2004 10:59

so student is a larger girl that has mr adn likes to unbutton her pants so it is more comfortable. well she did just that and all her goods were hangin out. one of my most out spoken students say this and just went off, ranting about how grose that was and that he needed to get him self fome pussy that was on his level tonight so he can get that immage out of his mind, he went on for about 4 min then my TA an awsoem older ladie, very proper. looks at him and says, "its not the first monkey you hae ever seen so sit down adn get over it." i was floored, i never in a million years would have expected to hear somethign like that, from her.
well with john that is the only to gethim to work and shut up. to the point, blunt and not what he is expecting.
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