lets see

Mar 07, 2004 21:12

so it was a great weekend, got to hang out with some of my friends, their are a few that i feel that i am being avoided, but let it be known that if i have a problem i would tell you and if you have a problem i would tell that too, but in teh remaining cases i am always here and the ball is in your court.
but ha some great drink on friday it was pure honey from a 60proof bee. and if i did not know how to read i would ot have known. damn it was good and tasty.
then i got to hang out with my sister for a bit today. i got the new adidas, black suade shell toes with oversizes 3 stripes, adn teh shell is white too(super modified), they rock. i also got two new belt buckels one is a tr(enough with the shopping details sorry). but things are going good, asparagus is an afro-Ds-ack adn i had to much but survived adn went home by my self.
to he that will remain nameless "sit on it for a bit and ride" and don't forget when to squeeze.

usless quiz for the day

And that's all I've got to say about that.

What kind of goth are you?

Created by ptocheia
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